Squatters right in Family home



Hi there,

I have a question regarding squatters rights?

Any comments, suggestions and advise are welcome.

The story is as follows:
My father and my uncle, grew up with other siblings on the family farm, with a decent enough amount of land(around 350 acres). My Grandfather left the farm divided up between both of them. My uncle was given land at one side, and my father was given the land at the other side. Now here comes the tricky bit. The family home, farm yard, sheds, etc. are on my fathers land. But my uncle has been living there since my grandmother died a number of years ago.

Needless to say there is a history there and he has only recently started taking care of his own bills. Up until recently all his bills were taken care of by my parents as was the business side of running a farm.

This man(my uncle) is a bitter horrible man and is not on speaking terms with my parents or my brothers and sisters, but sure that's probably irrelevant.

  • Is there any way of getting him off the land?
  • What rights does he have?
  • What rights does my father have?

Thanks in advance.
I'd imagine that it is not possible to claim squatters rights if you are living in the property with the owners knowledge and permission.

This situation is probably covered by tenancy laws and it would be advisable to check the exact wording of the Grandfather's Will to see if it included any conditions allowing the uncle to e.g. live in the house for the rest of his life.
sound like another family ruined over land squabbles...not worth it everyone gets the same amount of ground in the end....my father and uncle were in the same position and took it to the high court...both now six feet under and it gained nothing other than leaving a legacy of bitterness that will last for generations!!! enough said i think!!