Sq metre conversion

My Aurora SP800 Metric conversion calculator knows all such conversions and confirms 185.8 sq. m. to be the answer!
So we're averaging at 186.056416 sqM

Another few posts should bring it in line to 185.80608 sqM

Would anybody have any idea what a 2000 sq feet house is in metres squared??

Don't forget that you won't be able to use all those feet. They count the space that the internal walls take up.

I doubt Google has an answer for that, but if you added the length of all the internal walls and multiply that by the width of them you would then be able to work out usable floor area. Something like 2000 sq less 120 ft by .41 = 1950 sq ft.
To convert square feet to square meters divide by 11!

2000 / 11 = 182 sq m to nearest unit.
It may be a good first order approximation, but it's clearly not correct to the nearest unit....