Spraying timber fence panel - any tips?


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I got an electric sprayer in Aldi and am hoping (weather permitting) to spray the timber fence panels around the garden. They are the overlap type ones.

How do I keep the spray off the concrete uprights/supports? And any other tips?
pator said:
I got an electric sprayer in Aldi and am hoping (weather permitting) to spray the timber fence panels around the garden. They are the overlap type ones.

How do I keep the spray off the concrete uprights/supports? And any other tips?

in order to avoid spraying the posts' etc you will have to cover them up.masking tape with a black bag cover works great
talk to your next door neighbour first - the paint may well 'leak' through to the other side where the overlaps are - you could be neighbourly and offer to lend them the sprayer and any left over paint to do their side.

also, if you have an electric sprayer, wear clothes that are ready for the bin, long sleeves and gloves, a hat/scarf on your head and a pair of safety goggles; the stuff gets everywhere. The hand-operated/pumped type of sprayer may not be as bad (not sure if that's the one you've bought).
Argos do a pretty cheap one by Earlex, don't know what it's like but I know that the other Earlex products are pretty good. I bought their combi vac and find it great. You can't go too far wrong moneywise. If you could share the purchase cost with someone else who has a lot of fencing it would make even more sense.
Firstly pick a day that there is no wind blowing as the paint can tend to drift everywhere if it is windy.

The easiest way to stop the paint getting on the concrete uprights is to take the fence panel out altogether and paint spray it on its own. If you neighbour is not keen on taking the panel out wait until he is gone away for a day !

If you take the panel out then you can turn the fence upside down if the overlap is not running in the right direction, that way the paint will not run onto the neighbours side.

We done 15 sections of panel in a couple of hours. The electric sprayer semed to use alot of paint but in terms of speed it is brilliant. We found that you need to spray as much of the panel as possible and then run across with the brush very quickly to even out the spray.

Easy Peasy.
