Spot the difference

Incredible.....did you say subtle? Any possibility it's an attempt to joke? Even worse is the number of recommendations. I feel the Pharasee in me coming on......we're not like that here - hope so anyway.
When I saw this first I thought it was a doctored image. But it seems to be a legit story.

I'm not watching a lot of the News coverage of this because it's really hard to watch US News for more than 20 minutes on the same story.

BUT. There was some pretty good coverage of the "RACE ISSUE" today explaining that this isn't a race issue but an economic issue. The poor are the ones finding it hardest to get help. They are therefore the ones most likely to be looting. Incidently Looting is a completely acceptable thing to do in the circumstances if you ask me.

All that said it doesn't surprise me one little bit that a News agency would use different words to cover a story about a white person and a black person.
I'm just glad someone got caught doing it in such a blatant way.

daltonr said:
Incidently Looting is a completely acceptable thing to do in the circumstances if you ask me.

Looting of what? Just food and other essentials, or anything goes?
Well given that there's no food, and no gas, and no drinking water unless it's provided by aid agencies, I suspect the thoughts of most people would be to find these essentials.

Anyone looting TV's will be foregoing the opportunity to get food water etc for their families and will have to carry the TV through waist high water and still not have electricty to watch them, so good luck to them. It's not a question of whether that's acceptable or not, they are to be pitied for their stupidity not scorned.

You can't buy the esentials, the shops are not open, the pharmacies are not open.
If someone puts a chair through the window of a pharmacy and steals some drugs they need then that's acceptable. Same goes for food, bottled water etc.

The number one medical problem is people needing medicine for diabetes, heart conditions and cholestorol (according to one doctor).

I suspect it's already being done in areas but the correct solution would be for the stores selling essential goods to be turned into distribution centers with food, water etc being distributed free of charge.

daltonr said:
If someone puts a chair through the window of a pharmacy and steals some drugs they need then that's acceptable.
Does that go for junkies looking for a fix?
I think I mentioned Drugs for Diabetes, Heart Disease etc. But since you ask...
In the middle of what's happening in New Orleans I'd prefer the junkies get their fix from breaking into a pharmacy than be hanging around me and my family going through cold turkey in the middle of a flood.

I don't know if that answers your question.

"Note subtle racial stereotyping... "

Two photos cherrypicked from the AP archive doesn't make much of a point about anything.
Actually one was AP (Associated Press) and the other was AFP (Agence France-Presse). And maybe I should have posted this in The Craic. After all, I wasn't really trying to make any substantive comment on racial sterotyping in the media. My comment above was slightly flippant and off the cuff. I just thought that the juxtaposition of the two articles was interesting. Is that enough disclaimers now?