sport line without sport suspension??


Registered User

I'm just wondering if its possible to get a sport line audi A4 or 3 series BMW without the sports suspension?

A number of people have told me that they are not suitable for driving on the not so great roads that we have locally... that you feel every bump in them compared to the ordinary set up...
the sports suspension in the BMW comes as standard on the M-Sport, makes it a 100% better car imo.
but dont listen to me or what others have told you, you need to go test drive two models and see which one you like yourself.

if buying new, you can spec an SE 3 series with M-Sport interier and bodykit but keep the standard suspension, may look a bit odd as the SE and ES run 15-20mm higher than the M-Sport version.

not sure on the Audi, BMW is more of interest to me im afraid, even though i drive an S3