Sponsoring a Vulnerable Adult...


Registered User
We all know of the organisations which do very good work in getting people to sponsor a child in the Developing World... But as I have absolutely no interest in children (sorry parents!), I'd prefer to sponsor an adult in need in one of the developing countries...

Perhaps someone with a disability, an older person, or someone with a serious illness...

Does anybody know of an agency that arranges such things???...


Surely most/all charities deal with vulnerable adults albeit maybe not sponsoring them as such? Children will become adults?
You could try microlending to support an adult who has a plan but no money e.g. www.kiva.org

You could google the topic of charities in Africa and you might find a list to help you in your decision such as http://www.africaguide.com/charity.htm and http://www.charitynavigator.org/

The list is endless and you probably need to ask yourself further who you are trying to help. Vulnerable due to Aids, disease, drought, economic circumstances, political threats, genocide, racism...

Sadly, there is a wide variety of problems to choose from.
Thanks to you both... Yes Vanilla, Children will become adults... I just have a preference to support today's adults...

D2, LOVE the Microlending idea... Will follow that up... Already support some inititives in Zambia through another organisation I'm involved with, but as you say, there are lots to chose from!...

Thank you both, again...
Thanks Jaybird...

That's an excellent idea... Just the type of thing I'm interested in... I'll get onto that...

Much appreciate it!...

I really don't like those 'sponsor a child in Africa' schemes. It can't be an efficient way to deliver aid. Is the aid agency supposed to pull the aid when if the sponsor drops out? Why is it only children that are named in the ads and the sponsor materials? Why is it only 3rd-world charities that do this - shouldn't we have the Irish kid with CF or cancer being advertised as deserving of our needs?

Some of the more reputable aid charities have signed up to a code of practice to avoid this kind of exploitation.
Why don't you sponser a special needs / vulnerable adult in Ireland - I'm not trying to be smart about it - but there are many special needs people who do not get family visits & could do with a friend. Many organisations would welcome not only your money but your time -special olympics being one. With current cutbacks affecting the groups assisting special needs people, they could do with all the help they can get. Take a look at "Inclusion Ireland" website to see some of the problems they are having to deal with at the moment. Worth a thought?? It can be really rewarding, not just for the person you befriend but for yourself also.
Thanks for this...

Yes TLC, I'm with you on the volunteering with vulnerable adults in Ireland... This is why I've been visiting residents in a nursing home every week for the past thirty years, and take a week from my holiday entitlement to take some of them on holiday each year, so I do give my time too...

Just wanted to expand my horizons so to speak!...

Well done Darth - as I said I wasn't trying to be smart about it, it's just that sometimes people (obviously not you) don't think of assisting people with problems here. We are also involved with special needs people here & find it very rewarding - they can really bring you back to reality as they are so straight forward & open about everything. Keep up the good work - and I've great admiration for your efforts.
I know you weren't being smart, TLC... And I really do appreciate your input... You're right, it's probably the most rewarding thing to give not just of your posessions, but of your time, and yourself...

Oh yes... I visit older peolpe, and they can put you in your place in a heartbeat... I can tell you, I'd NEVER ask if my bum looked big in something... I'll get the truth whether I like it or not!...

I get a whole lot more out of it than I ever put into it... And I'm sensing that you're of a similar mindset!... Keep it up too... If nothing else, it keeps us off the streets, and out of mischief!...

it's just that sometimes people don't think of assisting people with problems here. We are also involved with special needs people here & find it very rewarding -
I totally agree about volunteering being very rewarding.
I have vlounteered in Ireland with disability organisations and found it great. Did a day with the special olympics too.
But in the 3rd world peoples needs are much more basic and fundamental.
I was in Brazil about 7 years ago and paraplegics were walking on their hands with their paralysed legs criss crossed in front of them.

I was thinking ...would it help to get this guy a wheelchair?
But then the environment is not at all wheel chair accessible therefore he was more mobile on his hands. So in order to help you need a big machine to move public policy and create disability friendly environments.

But I think its good to be charitable on a more personal basis too.
I will never as long as I live forget a charitable financial donation from an elderly grand-aunt to my family in a time of great difficulty.

I hope someday I can help someone close like she helped us.

So in summary, there are lots of different ways to be charitable and they have all got their place.

Well done Darth.