Split up, What to do about house?




This is my first post here, not quite sure where to post so please move if i have posted in the wrong section.

My partner and I have split up. The Mortgage is in both our names, i am at home full time with our son. He has always paid the full mortgage. He is saying that we should sell the house, there are alot of houses around here for sale the exact same as this even better condition and they have been on the market for 1-2 years. We are 3 years into the mortgage. I am not in a position to pay the mortgage on my own but could probably pay half of it. I am going to see a solicitor this week. I guess im just looking for information if anyone has been through this and what happened? I really dont want to sell the house. Myself and my son are in the house at the moment he has moved out. Can he make me sell? both are names are on it. This is still all very raw to me and im very upset sorry if there is spelling mistakes.
Thanks for the reply. Have rang solicitor's but cant get appoitment till next monday.
Without an agreement, the only way a house sale could be forced is through the courts which is costly and lengthy. You are really better off trying to come to an agreement without solicitors or courts. In your position I think the best thing to do is sell the house, even if it is in negative equity, and get on with your life.
I doubt he will want to go through the courts so hopefully we can come to some arrangment. I really just want to get on now with my life but i dont want to let go of the house. We worked so hard to get it and after all the time and effort that was put into it its breaking my heart to maybe have to sell it. I rang citizens information they said if he pays half that that could be seen as maintence for our son.
How do you see him coming out the worst in this? I would have thought it was quite a good idea and he would be ok with it, shir he will still own half the house and if property picks up again in a few years perhaps i woul want to sell but not right now. thanks :)
How do you see him coming out the worst in this? I would have thought it was quite a good idea and he would be ok with it, shir he will still own half the house and if property picks up again in a few years perhaps i woul want to sell but not right now. thanks :)

He is paying for a mortgage and is in partnership with someone he no longer wants to be involved with. Perhaps he would like to realise his investment and move on? Plus he presumably is paying rent somewhere else?

It does not look good. Can you go back to work? Can you rent somewhere else?

He is paying for a mortgage and is in partnership with someone he no longer wants to be involved with. Perhaps he would like to realise his investment and move on? Plus he presumably is paying rent somewhere else?

It does not look good. Can you go back to work? Can you rent somewhere else?


Correct MF1, His capital is tied up in property he does not benefit from, ok his son is more secure in a familiar environment, but maybe he will want to realise his capital and pick up the pieces on his own terms.

Well he will only be paying half of the mortgage plus anything got to do with the house. He just wont live here. At the moment he is staying with his parents but yes he will have to rent somewhere else. When we bought this house we both moved away from our famillies and friends to be closer for his work. So im pretty much with our son full time he has seen him a few times since we split. I will have no one to mind him while im at work, plus then there is the cost of childcare.he is in playschool 5morns a week i am looking to see if i can get something pt but its not looking good at the moment. Yes I could rent somewhere else, but i didnt put all this hard work into this house for nothing to sell it 3 years down the line, and why should i uproot our son where he has settled? I have said to ex that he can live in the house and we move out but i still dont want to sell. Its all one huge mess. and ex is hardly making any effort to talk about things.well the financial side of things. there is also a car loan aswell car in my name but he's paying for it. would selling it be the best here? even if you lost half of what you paid for it?
It's always difficult when a relationship ends. You both are going to have to sit down and do the sums. You have to try and not be emotional but no judge is going to order your ex to pay for the house and running costs if he cannot house himself. Unless your ex is very wealthy that is. What this means is the you both have to compromise. If that means you leave the house and rent then you will have to come to terms with that.