Split from partner on d ben, 200k proceeds, am I entitled to Aff Housing?


Registered User
Strange situation im in but need to know.

I have my own house (co-habiting) weve split up i dont work but the money ill make would be around 200k , so ......

The house MUST be sold and as ive 2 kids and only get disb ben id never get a mortgage, am i entitled to affordable housing ?

Where do I start, would they laught me out of the place ?

#200k sounds like so much but its not when you want to buy a house outright !! my kids are very young so working isnt an option really #
help !!!

thoughts of renting after having my own place is killing me , no stability for my kids
Thanks in advance .L
Re: Affordable housing , v.unusual one!

Unfortunately, you have to be a first time buyer to qualify for affordable housing. I think some council's will consider you if you are separated but did not get anything from sale of previous house. This might be worth looking into, especiallly since you have two children.
Re: Affordable housing , v.unusual one!

Hi MA and welcome to AAM,

I am sorry to hear about your situation and hope you get some of the answers to your questions here.

Take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with the posting guidelines and please dont duplicate posts.

Unusual One , Money in bank and social w

So...... im not entitled to affordable housing, im paying 1350 pm rent at the moment, Im just wondering will they only help me housing wise when all the money is GONE !! most likely on rent on this place just seems crazy ,200k cant buy you bedsit on this place.

Thanks in advance for any advice , L
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Re: Split frm partner on d ben, 200k proceeds, am I entitled to Aff Housing?

Hi MessedAround,

Ive combined your two posts here.

Some Councils will consider you if you are separated, but only if the house was not sold and remains the family home, just as in this situation you would be considered a FTB. You may qualify for shared ownership, rules tend to be not as strict as there is not such a demand for it.

How about using 100k for a large deposit, then put 50k aside (in a high intrest account) for payments (thats almost 3 years at 1500pm)..... plus you still have equity after the 3 years if you still can't earn enough to cover payments....
Hi messedaround

As you say, you would not get a mortgage as you are on disability benefit, so Jhegarty's suggestion is a non-runner.

You will have to rent a house. On the positive side, the rental payments on a house at the moment are a lot less than the mortgage repayments would be on a similar house.

It is nice to own your own home, but with €200k in the bank, you can give your children all the stability they need. If you are paying your rent, you will be able to keep the home or find another similar one. It's not as if you will be unable to pay the rent anytime soon.

I would suggest that the key issue for you now is how you invest the €200k. You need to take a long term approach to it. If you invest it in a deposit account at 3% and withdraw around €15k per annum, it will last around 13 years.

On the other hand, if you invest it in the stockmarket, you might be unlucky and the returns might be less than 3% in which case the money would not last 13 years. But more often than not, the return will exceed 3% a year, and the money will last a few years longer.

My suggestion would be a half-way house for you. Put €100k in a deposit account which guarantees you about 6 years rent. Put the balance in the stockmarket and it is very likely that at the end of the 6 years, it will be worth more than the €100k invested now.

Hi Messedaround,
Am not sure which council you would be applying to - but a friend of mine was in a simular situation to yours and was able to get an affordable house in Glasnevin.
It would certainly be well worth asking the council about your options. I know you don't want to eat into your money needlessly.
Best of luck and update us when you can.
In affordable housing (as far as I remember), you have to qualify for a mortgage, you are not likely to get a house if you can afford to pay for it outright. So that scheme wouldn't be open to you? (this may be the point you were trying to make, if so sorry)
Are you really tied to the area you live in where you can't afford to buy a house outright? You could consider a fresh start in a quiet place in the counrty where that money would buy you a house. Also, you say your only income is Illness Benefit, have you not applied for One-Parent Family Payment? Ifg you spend or intend to spend the money on a house, this should be taken into account in the initial means test and the position reviewed after about 6 motnhs or so..
Hi All , Thanks so much for the replys , i finally bit the bullet and rang them and just put my case across(fingal coco) the guy said as i dont fit either of the two criterias ie:FTB and JOB it might be difficult BUT there are a board that deal with this kind of case and i may well be accepted ??? not getting my hopes up but at least its something just a bit clueless on the whole process i guess ! like if they offer me a place in an area i dont want ? what then ? do i get shoved to the end again
can i hold on for the area i really want /need .ie. kids in school in a particular area ? any info anyone has that might help with my application