Split farm between brothers?



Family farm was signed over from father to two sons about 15 years ago (both names on deed and neither were married at the time, both working together in a business, both injecting capital etc. into business, though business is in older brother's name only) Older brother married a 'phycho' about 8 yrs ago who calls the shots over business etc. and younger brother is being pushed out on 'her' instruction and making her husband's life a misery. Younger brother married a a few years ago also. Younger brother does the majority of work on farm (a slave in many ways, not to mention victim of verbal/mental abuse)

Has younger brother any legal standing on getting his share out of the business side of things? anything he can do to get all the farm in his name given that he is the 'farmer'?

Farm should be split down the middle, though subject has not been discussed with older brother yet...'psycho' would let loose or would she given that there is now another generation (young cousins) involved and it would be in brothers' best interests to split farm once and for all.
How can this situation be resolved without alot of fighting etc.
If anything were to happen to one of the brothers what could the widow do to get her share?

Any advice please. Thanks...
Re: Split farm between brothers??

Go and see a solicitor.

Re: Split farm between brothers??

when you do visit the solicitor bring every ounce of documentation with you including details of hours worked on the farm from season to season. it may have some bearing on the fact if the older brother is found to be completely in ownership of business and younger brother merely an employee of the business.
While "yer wan" may well be a nutter its better to smile and play along than let her know what you are thinking and doing until you want her to know.