Spider inside our monitor.

Sue Ellen

There is a tiny red spider inside our computer monitor since yesterday and he is driving me mad Constantly going backwards and forwards and he won't get lost permanently.

This is not the first spider that has wandered in there but the other poor guy died much quicker.

What's a girl ('ol one) to do
Heard a story once about an old woman who had a similar problem, heres what she did, maybe you could apply it to your monitor.

[FONT=arial, helvetica, homerton]There was an old woman who swallowed a bird,
How absurd! to swallow a bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly,
I don't know why she swallowed the fly,

Didn't that old woman also swallow a cat to catch the bird? I'm sure that riggled and giggled inside her.
no, the first thing she did was to swallow the spider, that wriggled and twiggled and jiggled inside her.

Only then did she swallow the bird.

Sue Ellen, how bloody old and large is your monitor?!!
Sue Ellen, how bloody old and large is your monitor?!!

Actually its quite a small flat screen. There are just loads of those tiny red spiders around at the moment. They're usually outside only but this fool wandered inside and yes he's still running around in there
I can't understand how he got in there Sue!! Are you sure its not just a computer BUG??!!!
Its the new austerity measures from Fianna Fáil.

Its not a World Wide Web any more - its unplugged, so we need local spiders to weave it!
I once came across mice nesting in the case, causing all sorts of random crashes
I suppose it was asking a bit much given download speeds.

Was just asking cause I have a contact in the States who is good with insect infestation...
Sue Ellen, have you not asked in Trade Recommendations if there is a Forensic Entomologist (virtual) at large? Seriously, could you get the back off and use one of those vacuum attachments for cleaning keyboards, moulded skirting boards and suchlike?