Speeding - Will I have to go to court?



Hi there,

I'm a clown!! Got caught speeding doing abt 70 in a 50 zone over 2 mths ago. However my fine was posted to my parents house down the country (I'm based in Dublin) and I didn't receive it til near the end of the 56 day period - upon which I filled it out and sent it off. However I never signed the form!! It was sent back to me (again down the country) and I signed it. Resent back to me as I had left a digit off the visa card number. I sent it back and now have letter saying cant be processed as outside the 56 day limit.

Any idea what happens now??? Do I need a solicitor?? If I called them would they just be able to process the payment???
Re: Speeding - Will I have to go to court???

If you are contesting and have grounds that support that position, then represent yourself if you have good grasp of relevant details.
If you are not contesting, pay the fine and move on.
Re: Speeding - Will I have to go to court???

Not contesting - but letters say that they are unable to process fine now as past the 56day limit.
Re: Speeding - Will I have to go to court???

Is there not a higher fine now before it has the option to going to court.
Also this is a lesson for people that you should have your car registered at where you reside and thus there will be no delay in receiving any mail due. You also did forget to sign it and omit a digit of your credit card no.
Your problem now is not so much the amount of the fine but the penalty points that apply. A computer generated summons may issue shortly.

You should see a solicitor to consider all the facts fully and in particular to decide whether to contact the office dealing with it now, or wait to defend the summons.