Speeding Ticket Summons

So, the outcome of the summons was an adjornment.

My spouse was told that they could not give evidence on my behalf. For the people who did not turn up to the their summons a fine of €150 was generally given (sometimes €200, we think this was if it was a second summons though).

Interestly the 2 people prior to my appointment were caught by the same garda and had the same defence - 'did not receive the original fine'. These case were both 'struck out' as the garda could not produce evidence of them receiving the fine!

So, I have a second summons date that I am able to attend personally, so hopefully I will receive the same treatment. Although, of course, this can't be guaranteed, as the next judge may have a different take on the law.
SRB....your last line is truer than you may think. Life is more about perception than reality sometimes.
And the absolute final result - was a 'struck out' because the gard didn't turn up for the second summons date!

Thanks to all
I just recieved a summons for a speeding offence where I did not recieve the original fine, I have read this thread and I just wish to summarize what you appear to have done as I think I will not be able to afford a solicitor to handle this.

You did not recieve the original fine

You represented yourself in court.

Your girlfriend seen 2 other people in same situation as yourself, both cases struck out

Your summons struck out because garda didnt turn up not because of missing fine.

My query is did you have to pay original fine?
Sorry about long windidness but v worried about representing myself and by the way your girlfriend is star for going along first time.
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Are the points also not applied, again apologies for broken nature of posts. This summons was like a bolt out of the blue, I am still in shock.:confused:
If the case is struck out there is no punishment of any kind. No Fine and no points.
Certainly in Dublin the general practice is that summons are struck out where the defendant gives evidence they did not receive the original fixed penalty notice.

One of the judges asks people to donate the original €80 fine to charity before striking out, the others just strike it out.