Speeding ticket not paid


Registered User
So Mrs Car is driving my car one day, gets caught by a speed cam doing 58 in a 50, fair cop. Anyway, fine addressed to me as Im the registered owner of the car, sent to the house, Mrs Car puts the letter with the rest of the junk post that came in that day, I dont notice it as its not with the regular post. She's cleaning up the junk post 3 weeks later, see's it and brings to my attention with 2 days left to pay it. Sent a cheque straight away the day after, must have got there the day after the 28 youre allowed. They send it back saying too late, owner of car is getting the points. Rang them, nothing they can do. Whats up with that? Anyway out of it?
You only get the points if you pay !

You pay before 1st threshold, you pay small fine and get 2 points.
You pay after that, but before 2nd threshold and you pay a bigger fine and get 2 points.
You don't pay at all, and you wait for court summons. Until then, no fine and no points.

None of the above seems to match what you have described.
The second one is where i think we are
You pay after that, but before 2nd threshold and you pay a bigger fine and get 2 points.

Yes the fine is bigger which is mentioned, we'll have to live with that, but the letter from the garda is saying that my licence is getting the points not my wifes licence, so it seems the points cant be transferred on to anyone elses licence after the 28 days.
Surely not? Mrs car made the call today so I'll speak later and clarify.
Wait for the summons then go to court with your wife and get her to tell the judge that she was the driver on the day and you don't deserve the points on your license. .....but he might just throw her to the lions with a big fine and 4 points ...... or take the hit and pay now and write it off to experience, reminding your wife at every opportunity how you took the fall for her ! I know its a real pain in the behind !
Be careful how you handle it as you both could end up in hot water. You should have nominated her as the driver within the time frame of 28 days. Because you didn't you could be charged with failing to do that as well. She would then get the points. You may be lucky and get a judge who will actually listen - most don't and impose the penalties I'm afraid!
Wait for the summons then go to court with your wife and get her to tell the judge that she was the driver on the day and you don't deserve the points on your license. .....but he might just throw her to the lions with a big fine and 4 points ...... or take the hit and pay now and write it off to experience, reminding your wife at every opportunity how you took the fall for her ! I know its a real pain in the behind !

If you paid there is no court summons! The summons is only sent to those registered owners who did not pay the approrpriate amount within the allotted time. You have only 28 days to nominate a driver and once that passes, i.e., from 29 days to 56 days the fine goes up and you cannot nominate anyones else, i.e., the registered owner is the now deemed the offender. If you do not pay during the 56 day period at all THEN you get a courts summons. If the OP has paid then there is no court case to plead any case.
I take it that you couldn't pay meaning its beyond the payment time of two months when you said the cheque was sent back? If thats the case, a summons will arrive in an another couple of months. If its between 28 and 56 days from the date of the notice you could still pay, get points but not nominate as best I know.
Sent a cheque straight away the day after, must have got there the day after the 28 youre allowed. They send it back saying too late, owner of car is getting the points. Rang them, nothing they can do. Whats up with that? Anyway out of it?

I took it that the payment was made on the 29th day and accepted by the fine offices (there is an internal status to allow postal payments to be accepted and processed from days 29 to about 35 for the initial fine but you can't nominate another person though after 28 days). Maybe some clarification is needed. Did the Fines Office process your cheque and accept that Mr Car is the offender in this case? If they did then no summons. If not then another cheque for the increased amount would need to be sent in before the 56 days or else it will go to court.

Incidentally you won't get done for failure to nominate if it goes to court. I know from my experience on this system that this functionality is turned off when summons are currently being created. It could well change in the future but existing legistlation has too many holes it for this to be activated.
You nominate within 28 days by completing the form and returning it with no payment. A fresh notice then issues to the nominated driver, who now has a fresh 56 day period to pay up.
You nominate within 28 days by completing the form and returning it with no payment. A fresh notice then issues to the nominated driver, who now has a fresh 56 day period to pay up.

This is correct - no dispute there. In this case a payment was made by cheque though after 29 days. OP needs to clarify exactly what went in.
Yes, this is whats happened, I didnt nominate within the 28 days so the fine is gone up and my licence is going to get the points. Im ok (ish) with the fine going up (husband and wife stuff :) ) but not with my licence getting the points. Tempted to go to court but as one of us has to get the points anyway it may be more hassle then its worth. Decided to just send off the cheque this morning for the higher fine and points going on my licence.
Thered better be steak this evening.
Think I was caught on camera a couple of weeks ago, probably over speed limit. Anyone know how long I can expect to wait for the dreaded letter?
Mrs Car puts the letter with the rest of the junk post that came in that day, I dont notice it as its not with the regular post. She's cleaning up the junk post 3 weeks later, see's it and brings to my attention with 2 days left to pay it

Sorry, had to comment, as a married man myself, I have never come across this sort of behaviour from my Mrs ;-)

But, seriously, get it sorted asap. So pay the fine amount and get the points on the wifey's licence (This is normal practice anyway yeah :)).I had a fine that 'got buried' too but it didnt come to my attention until the Garda handed me the summons for court at the front door!
to be honest, 2 points dosent make any difference to your insurance. I've had two points for two years now (one more and I'm free so long as I dont get caught again!!!) and my insurance preimums havent gone up.
the only advantage to trying to get it (rightfully) on hers is that if she happened to get another 2 (total 4) then preimums would take a hit, however given that shes female the hit wouldnt be as bad as it would be for you if you had 4. A male driver with 4 penalty points is going to pay for holidays for the insurance brokers with his premium increases.