Speeding ticket in Post but location incorrect


Registered User

I received a speeding fine for doing 73 in 50 zone. There is no doubt the reg in the picture is mine, however, the location which the ticket referres to is about 200km from where I was at the time. I was driving at the time the ticket was issued (which was easter monday) so it is possible I was speeding. But Im just wondering is it possible for me to contest this? I'm guessing if I ring up to check it out they will say to me they have to go by the photo evidence because I cannot really prove I wasn't in the location the ticket claims. Not that it matters but I have only ever received 1 fine in 10 years of driving ... and I have issue paying up

Just wondering if anyone has any advice about what I should do

The reg might be yours, but is the car yours? Reg cloning is huge business these days

I would contest it and ask to see photo evidence of you driving the car before I would pay anything and stating (proving if you could) that you were 200km's away at the time.
I agree with Ronan and would contest this - you could argue if the location was that wrong then how can the speed data be relied on? Would mobile phone records for the Easter Monday show you at the other location? Or ask for evidence it is you in the car and say you believe your reg was cloned (I actually know a guy who spotted another car on the road with his reg!)

Ok thanks for the info. I was thinking about the cloning , but from looking closely at the pic of the reg I could tell it had the details of the garage printed on the reg which looked the same as mine, do they go to that detail when cloning? Also my car is ten years old so I thought that might seem fairly old to bother cloning
Its possible the mobile phone records would give my location at a particular time, but how would I go about getting them....or is it up to the guards
I'll call them and see what they say
I reckon the system just has the wrong location on the ticket so I have a feeling I'll end up paying this anyway.


Politely ask them for the full picture. That will show if you have been cloned or not.
Surely your first action should be to point out that you were definitely not at the location they said. Put this in writing and back it up with as much paperwork as possible... e.g. a till receipt, another letter from someone swearing blind that they were with you. There is a good chance that they might just decide to squash the ticket rather than go to all that hassle.
I have this funny old-fashioned belief that people should play things straight, and I interpret that Cait might have a similar attitude.

I suspect that there might simply be a data-processing problem: that Cait was recorded breaking the speed limit but that the wrong location was entered on the notification. What I would do is write in saying where I was at the time of the photograph, take it from there.

[Just noticed the header: does it mean "not really speeding"?]

[PS: I see the header has been repaired. Does that amount to a confession of guilt?]

Hi All

Thanks for all the replies. I rang up number on the ticket and the Garda (Im guessing it was a Garda ) was able to tell me the ticket was indeed a mistake with the location and it was being cancelled. I didn't bother enquiring as to whether another ticket with the correct location was going to be sent out :). Honestly if the incident took place where I think I was at the time its fair that I might have been speeding

On a separate issue I wonder is it a bit of a waste having a Garda manning a phone line like that. I suppose it might be something to do with legalities and security but surely a lay person could do it

Thanks again