speeding procedure ?

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I was stopped today in waterford by an unmarkeg garda car ,the garda put on his lights in the windscreen (blue flashers) and siren,i pulled in and he came over and said i was doing 76k in a 60 k zone through the village,i said i didnt realise sorry and he asked for my licence .he asked me was i still living at the address on my licence ,i said i was.he gave me back my licence after looking at my licence plate and writting things in his book(notebook)and said i would get a notice in the post. Did i get penalty points and a fine ? i didnt get a speeding ticket or anything ,and was going to ask to see his gun reading ,calibration cert etc , but thought it would have pissed him off too much. can i get done without any proof of speed ?. i always drive with care and respect .first ticket in years ,no points.should i go to court and ask for proof of offence ? do i have a leg to stand on ....thanks .
hi bulmers,

my other half was in the same boat yesterday,only she was asked to produce her particulars at the station.she was left kind of wondering was there going to be a fine impoded.i posted a question yesterday,one of the replies was that someone was stopped in febuary last and only received the fine out in april
Last December, i was stopped for doing 70 in a 50 KPH zone. I was driving a rental at the time; the guard asked me for my licence, inspected the car, returned to his car for bout 10 min and finally reappeared. He told me not to be speeding and handed me back my licence. Towards the end of Jan. i recieved 2 penalty points and a 80euro fine in the post.
Therefore, yes, deffo i think you have been done.
Can we just clarify that you do not receive penalty points until you have paid a fine or have exhausted the court system.
"she was asked to produce her particulars at the station . . . " - Ooooh errrr, Missus.

I don't know about producing my particulars at a Garda station . . . my driving license maybe, but not my particulars.

if i go the court route and ask for proof that i was breaking the limit ,what happens ? does the guard produce a print out of the speed gun or whatever he used to evaluate i was indeed speeding? i think he was just stationary in his car and followed.felt like a real turkey shoot !have lost all respect for the guards over the last few years ,if they were so stringent in the enforcement of other laws like anti-social scum,house break ins etc etc you wouldnt feel so bad .....but they take the easy route and hammer the working guy/girl! and the muppets that the force is made up of today makes me sad for the future. i'll be making my local guards run arround for the next few weeks as payback !!! their my enemy now ! 76k in a 60k zone get an effin life !
bulmers said:
i'll be making my local guards run arround for the next few weeks as payback !!! their my enemy now ! 76k in a 60k zone get an effin life !

would love to know how you're going to make them run around ? going to start calling in prank calls ?

and for what it's worth I say fair play - obviously a member of the traffic corps doing his job properly - a few more stops/points and maybe you'll lose your license/attitude - almost all 60km zones are in residential/built up areas with children/cyclists etc around. it's for their safety not your convenience that the speed limits are set.
Perhaps the best way to avoid all this aggro you seems to have is to NOT break the speed limits? If it was a case of 116 in a 100 zone would you be so upset, or just admit you were wrong.
The 60kph zone is there for a reason, intended to make people slow down as there is a need for caution and a safe speed in that area, usually pedestrians, like outside schools, housing estates etc.

if i go the court route and ask for proof that i was breaking the limit ,what happens ?

What will happen is this:
You will ask for proof to the Judge.
The guard will provide his evidence.
The judge will give you 4 penalty points and increase your fine for challenging your offence and losing
You will look like a fool in court
And finally... your solicitor will send you a bill.

76k in a 60k zone get an effin life !

"all 60km zones are in residential/built up areas with children/cyclists etc around"

I think you'll find that is not entirely the case, and hence the level of frustration exhibited in this and recent threads on this subject. If only you were correct, but alas you are not. For anyone that needs convincing, I could fill a photo album of examples to the contrary.
60kph zones are for areas where a safer speed is required to deal with the road in question, whether it be pedestrians, schools, villages, animals, junctions, whatever. They are not put in place by the NRA 'for a laugh'.

hence the level of frustration exhibited in this and recent threads on this subject

read OP...

i was doing 76k in a 60 k zone through the village

No argument

PS. Where/when will the photo album be available for viewing?

Rant, rant, rant, rant.

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