speeding fine query


Registered User
Can I get confirmation from someone on this pls:

If failing to pay a speeding fine, receiving a summons and receiving a fine from the courts, does the original fine of 120euro still need to be paid or just the court fine?

Strange re-action to this post vrs the drink driving post. It seems strange that a person proven to be engaged in dangerous driving (speeding) gets less vitriol than a person proven to have too much alcohol taken. In one case it is proven that his driving was dangerous, in the other case it is suspected. Surely the speeding is the greater offence. Deaths are caused by dangerous driving. Most deaths are as a result of speeding. Yet it is tolerated. We seem to have a 'one fix' solution. Lock up all the drunks! How about the deaths caused by boy racers. 'Ah sure they were only young - the poor things'. Tell that to the other road users killed by these thugs. If road fatalities are to be reduced than this obsession with tackling only drink driving needs to be examined. All areas of driving needs to be looked at - drink, speed, road conditions, provisional licences, road rage, drivers etiquette, respect for the guards, etc..
Do you know buy how much he was over the limit? do you know if it was in urban area or motorway?.