Speed vans everywhere this weekend

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On my way to work in Shannon this morning passed 2 speed vans, one in mulgrave st and one before you come to the Connagh roundabout, Learnt the hard way (4 points) so was doing 30 in the 50mph zone and 40 in the 60mph zone which i believe is more dangerous than speeding as concentrating too much on the speed clock in the car, but i noticted the one on Mulgrave st in Limerick was unmarked what the story on unmarked vans i thought they were supposed to be highly visible and this is not the first time i saw an unmarked van
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Unmarked one arent actually speed cameras, they're info gathering vans, used to decide wether that road will become a speed trap road in the future.
Hi Chrisboy the unmarked speed van i saw this morning was in a place where a speed van has neen in operation since november, as i said its not the first time that i saw them I got caught coming up to the coonagh roundabout in feb by an unmarked speedvan.
It's not surprising really.

Expect all taxes to increase over the next few years.
Hi Chrisboy the unmarked speed van i saw this morning was in a place where a speed van has neen in operation since november, as i said its not the first time that i saw them I got caught coming up to the coonagh roundabout in feb by an unmarked speedvan.

Mustve been one of the garda vans, and not the private vans..
I'm all for the curbing speed but the lesson learned EVERYWHERE is this will not work unless people are on board and the speed limits are sensible.
Totally agree according to the radio there is a 72% increase in speeding fines and points since Nov with 52,000 people getting caught. So its the Limerick tunnel for me,sick of having to negotiate 4 Speed traps on my way to work on roads that are inappropiatley marked. Eg Condell road 50kpm (madness) and the road after that is 60kpm and these are wide open roads.Does anyone have statistics on the revenue and points issued since the introduction of the speed vans.
Just another source of revenue for a cash strapped government

Don't speed and there will be no revenue gathered... seems simple enough.
If drivers can't read the road signs and take note of the limit - driving a car is probably beyond their capabilities.
A predictable answer. Before the introduction of the vans there should have been a proper survey done of the roads . A wide open road with no houses on is 50kpm and a country lane is 80kph. A lot of the roads that the vans are on have not had any road deaths and the wide road that is 50kpm had a death but the driver had a heart attack,nothing to do with speed. Why are they on a dual carraigeway with 100kph. If anyone thinks it not revenue making there kidding themselves. Fines are being issued if you go over by 7 kms. I find that you are concentrating more on your speed clock on the car than the road making it much more dangerous than speeding
GoSafe have to issue a certain number of penalties to retain the licence, so they're going to issue fines where the Gardai may not have.
I don't have an issue with them in principle, but I do have an issue with the speedlimits on some of the roads. Simple example, I know a road out of a town that had a speed limit of 100km, once a new motorway bypass opened, the road was "downgraded" and the speed limit dropped to 80. Is the road more dangerous now that the bypass is in place?, no, if anything it's safer as it's got far less traffic, so why drop the speed limit?
How much for a decent speed camera detector.

Seems like the only way to even the pitch.
Sadly they are illegal.

A good one can be got for around €50 on ebay.
I know the holier than as demonstrated already will say don't speed no problem,

I prefer to keep my eyes on the road more than the speedo.

Lots of roads that speeds seem to go up and down like yoyo's
The outer ring road from tallaght to lucan goes n81 80 to 60 to 50 to 60 to 80 N4 to lexlip the straight up to 120 consistent is not the word. Speed traps on all the low bits on regular occassions.

This is fish in a barrel shoot that could easily loose someone a job over a holiday weekend. No license could easily mean no job.
What are the penalties (fixed and/or points and/or court) for speeding at say 10kph above limit, 20kph, 30kph, etc...?
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