Speed ramps (off road)


Registered User
Are there any legal requirements to having adequate signage to notify you of speed ramps on private carpark? (In private estate?)
I came around a bend today , speed ramp was practicly on the corner - but on a blind spot, I skidded accross it in the rain, and damaged something underneath the car.

These speed ramps are turning up everywhere and are probarbly more of a hazzard to society that a benifit!
My two cent... and you won't find that helpful but...

Sounds like you were driving too fast and the road was wet.
Consider yourself lucky that it was not a child around the bend.
Actually, thats something I had not considered. Driving too fast around a bend.........
if I was driving any slower I'd have stalled.
I don't really understand - how exactly was the speed bump on a blind spot such that you could not spot it through your windscreen while driving so slow that you were in danger of stalling?
These speed ramps are turning up everywhere and are probarbly more of a hazzard to society that a benifit!

Go and say that to friends of mine who lost their 8 year old daughter, knocked down by a fast driver in their estate!
180 degree bend at an angle , 70mm hump. Left hand wheel hits bump before right, causes wheel to slip and glide off ramp.

I dont have to make excuses for the way I drive, I have children of my own so do not need a patronising lecture on someone losing a child due to a third party not driving with due care and attention.

If a ramp is in the WRONG place it will cause more damage than benifit.
Is a 180 degree "bend" not a straight line!?!

The OP obviously means that it was a U-shaped bend. No need to be pedantic.

I agree that the proliferation of speed ramps is a pain in the behind. In the right place they're a necessary evil I suppose but on a bend is a pretty stupid place for one.

What have you damaged anyway ? Does the car feel different since the incident ?
I hope I have not opened a can of worms, or that my thread is going to get people all worked up, but, yes the bend is approx 180 degrees, not a ubend - but a sharp bend.

The building on the bend is almost at a point like an arrow head. (Modern architecture????).

I think that the tracking is gone on the car. Not much of a problem, however I will have to leave it in one of the fast fit places and get the bus to work, more an inconvenience than anything else.

In the mean time, I contacted the management company who say they no nothing about the ramp. I am supposing that other people have complained and they are trying to opt out of their responsibility.

In the meantime I googled speed ramp and came up with a couple of companies. (suprising - given the proliferation of them around the place).

I think I found the company that put it in - in so far as when I said where I lived and that I wanted a speed ramp put in, they said that they installed one in my estate last week.

Given the heat that the thread is generating, I think I'll forget about it!

But I do think that there should be some regulation covering their installation, for example, in apartment block complexes would damage caused to a vehicle be covered under the block insurance policy?

All sorts of issues are arising out of these speed ramps..
Interesting one. Maybe you'd be best advised to consult a good Solicitor?
isn't a bend a type of calming measure (you have to slow down approaching one), surley the speed ramp should be located on the straight on either side of the bend.

why are most people having a go at the OP? this speed bump is obviously in the wrong place he/she said he wasn't driving too fast in fact he thinks he was driving quite slowly. what gives anyone the right to question that you or I don't know this person
I hope I have not opened a can of worms, or that my thread is going to get people all worked up, but, yes the bend is approx 180 degrees, not a ubend - but a sharp bend.
Ah - so a c. 360 degree bend? That makes a bit more sense alright.
Thanks 1234!

Clubman.....have you considered a position in the garda?

but seriously are there no regulations governing speed ramps?