Speed protest-residents want to get ramps installed


Registered User
there is an extremely long road running through our housing estate and it encourages boy racers to speed and dice each other, its not only the young people , the lenght of the road is a haven for anyone who wants to let it rip. The school bus picks the children up from this road. It has gotten so dangerous that you take your life in your hands just walking along it never mind crossing it. The thing is i want to do something, I thought maybe getting residents together in protest on the road, demanding speed ramps or traffic lights . Does this sound like it might work or has anyone any other ideas
Re: speed protest

There's an election around the corner and canvassers are knocking on doors why not get together with some of your neighbours and speak to a local representative?
Re: speed protest

The residents association in our estate has been successful in getting 2 speed ramps installed, and 3 more are to follow.

If the estate roads are the responsibility of the council, speak to your local representative (as Carpenter suggested).

A protest will be effective if you can get coverage in the local press, but maybe should only be considered if you have not got satisfaction elsewhere.
Re: speed protest

i would write a letter or email to all candidates in the forthcoming election so that when they come to your doors they cannot say they never knew about it. Maybe get a few of the other residents to put their names to it also.
People power does not really work in Ireland unless it is covered in the media as another poster said.
Re: speed protest

I understand that some local authorities believe that speed ramps are no longer effective - I'm not sure what is intended to replace them, mind you.
Re: speed protest

Have similar problem where I live, straight road down to the village - speed limit goes from 50kph to 80 kph about 100 metres from my house and the boy-racers are usually flooring their cars by the time they pass me. Last election 10 families along this road got together and asked for speed bumps or similar - no joy! Reason:- in case speeding motorcylists don't see the signs, hit the bump and fall of their bikes injuring themselves! Can sue the CC apparently.
Re: speed protest

We had similar problems where we live... It tooks 7 years for council to do something about it... and best they could do was to install bus cushion rather than ramps...These appears to be of very limited effect and the racers are still around, seeing cushions as targets to avoid.

In another estate close by, it tooks only few months for ramps to be installed...but unfortunately took the life of 2 children for this speedy process to happen.
Re: speed protest

Reason:- in case speeding motorcylists don't see the signs, hit the bump and fall of their bikes injuring themselves! Can sue the CC apparently.

If they live to tell the tale
I wouldn't want a ramp outside my house. It's bad enough with a slight dip in the road that every lorry with a full trailer makes an unmerciful sound as it passes over the dip. I would check with the resisents to see if they were agreeable to having the ramp outside their door. Have a look at the mess made in Mount Merrion with the "everest" ramps.
Re: speed protest

I understand that some local authorities believe that speed ramps are no longer effective - I'm not sure what is intended to replace them, mind you.

Some ramps are just several bumps in a line. All local drivers know how to approach them so that their wheels fall between the bumps and so don't need to slow down. In fact, there are times when this means going half over the middle of the road - with sometimes detrimental consequences for anyone coming in the opposite direction.

Other ramps are 'Everests' - I've gone over these with a fully laden car at 5mph only to find that the suspension causes the undercarraige to hit the ramp after the front wheels had passed over the ramp. I know some local authorities have been sued for these in the UK.
i would'nt object to speed ramps on this particular road as thare are no houses facing directly onto it. i know they can be a nuisance and may or may not work but isn't it worth taking that risk rather than the risk of maybe some child being killed. there has already been three children injured what next, it doesn't bare thinking about.
How about asking the police to come by in plain clothes from time to time and stop these idiots?