Speed camera on the n2 ashbourne bypass



Spotted a gardai speed camera setup on the n2 northbound ashbourne bypass today.
Unsurprisingly it was on the straightest section!
I just wish they would set up a speed trap outside my house, they would make a killing.
I can understand the N2 though, people do go like the clappers down it.
So? What's your point?

The point is the camera was setup was on the straightest, possibly the safest part of the road. There are sections of the road which have bends and a few junctions too, so why not put the camera on those parts to help prevent accidents.
So, to me the gardai are there to make a quick buck, but not really ensuring the road is safer to drive on.
But surely if people were speeding on the straight bits they would presumably speed on the bendy bits too. It’s a speed limit not a target.
Do you not think that the only safe place to put a speed camera is on a straight section. You can't have guards jumping out at you after a bend. And presumably they need to track the car as it approches the camera which i imagine would be much more difficult on a bend when the car is not approach the camera almost directly.

Also, I am pretty sure that the Gardai do not get to keep the fines.
I think both arguements have a point.
I however for one , In a time when we hear of manpower shortages would prefer to see those Gardai patrolling Dublin North & West or city centre rather than sitting at the side of the road on what has been reported to be one of the safest (based on nr of accidents reported on new road expenditure - Irish Times around a month ago if I remember correctly)stretches of roads in the country. - - and if they are traffic corp and have to be out on the roads surely there are far more dangerous areas and stretches they could police?
In fairness to the Gardai, from a practical perspective, there are dangerous roads where they can't set a speedtrap simply because there is nowhere for them to park safely.

Is it also possible that one of the reasons the N2 is deemed safe because the Gardai put speedtraps on it?

As for them putting it on the straight parts of the roads, one of the things I've noticed on the RTE news reports on crashes is that they often seem to happen on straight roads. People speed up on straight sections meaning the impact and consequence of a crash is greater on such a part of the role, people will pass out on a straight part without looking to see what is coming against them or where there are junctions

Just be glad that the Gardai are out catching speeders

This road is a dual carriageway so that won't apply