Speed camera on M50 ....... double flash last night

do i sound like im joking? my understanding is that the camera calculates your speed by the distance travelled between the lines on the road? if this is the case then i should be ok seen as there is none in the hard shoulder?
I'm sure if there was a double flash then you have been photographed.

Why were you doing that speed in the hard shoulder? It's extremely dangerous.

Troll alert.
long story... yes but even if i am photographed the camera wouldnt have been able to detect the speed without the lines if my theory is correct? im a member of the garda reserves and un-doubtedly could get away with a minor speeding fine but once of some speed would be un-explainable.
a mate of my brothers was told that he couldn't be caught/flashed going thru the bus lane...so he went thru at 80mph at the Spa hotel camera and got caught. Nasty trick played by his "mate"
A member of the Garda Reserve.

Bakerboy, I think you are making this up. And if not, I hope you get penalty points on your licence!
Why can't we have digital speed cameras that connect via GSM technology to a central database? So no more problems with no film and loads of extra revenue, and safer roads... although some speed limits are silly... but even still, people will have to sit up and take notice if loads of tickets are given out..