Speed Camera - How does it actually determine your speed


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I am in the UK at the moment and hired a car. I was driving in a built up area ( 30 mph speed limit), when driving towards the speed camera I noticed it flashed twice , I was the only car in the vicinity, was doing approx 33 mph and slowing down, but I was nowhere near the white marks on the road.
I always thought it took 2 pictures and the distance travelled ( as per the white markings on the road) between those flashes determined your speed.

I was about 200 yards away from the white lines when the flashes occurred, so I am really not sure what happened here. Am I right in my assumption as to how these speed cameras work ?

Also, will there be penalty points on my (Irish)license for this in case I was speeding ?
This things tend to flash happhazardly. Happened to me loads of times around Europe and i've never gotten caught.

A sweaty few months watching for the post man will be your punishment!.
was there a traffic light near, i got done in glasgow for going through a amber light all i got was a 55 pounds bill from the car company for processing my details to the cops
was there a traffic light near, i got done in glasgow for going through a amber light all i got was a 55 pounds bill from the car company for processing my details to the cops
Although the light sequences are different (stupid?) in the UK, it seems strange to me that you were 'done' for going through an amber light. £55 Sterling for processing?; don't think I would have paid it if it were me.
Although the light sequences are different (stupid?) in the UK, it seems strange to me that you were 'done' for going through an amber light. £55 Sterling for processing?; don't think I would have paid it if it were me.

I think light sequences is much better in UK. green to amber to red to amber to green. gives you a heads up when its time to move. I find drivers here take an age to move off the lights. I drove in London for many years on an Irish licence, they can fine you but they can't put points on your licence yet. although that will change soon as alot of drivers on the border cross over to do messing!
They are not "Speed cameras" they are Cash Cameras

Enjoy this link as it should answer some of your questions as well as highlighting how these non-safety cameras are woefully inaccurate.


Ireland is hell bent on installing these highway robbery machines that will of course do zilch for road safety

What Ireland needs is correct driver training and a ***TRAINED*** Traffic Corps
Depends on what type it is. If it's a standard GATSO then you'll only get "flashed" after you've passed it. The number of white lines travelled in the fixed time between the two photographs is used as proof of your speed at this point in court if you contest the fixed penalty notice. A variation on these cameras is used to enforce stopping at red lights and for the motorway variable speed limits.

There are also the average speed cameras (SPECS) which look like CCTV cameras, often used to enforce temporary limits on roadworks.

In terms of whether these are a good idea:

I don't believe that (yet) you can get points on an Irish licence for offences in the UK, but I'd expect the small print of your rental agreement has a clause that states that the company can recover their reasonable costs of processing the penalty notice.

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I used to work for a car rental company and had a few mates in the fines section.

You cannot get points on your irish licence (yet) and you may recieve a fine.
This may take some time as the English Cops have to bill the rental Co and the Rental Co have to find the driver and process the fine on to them.
Ihave often seen the renter refusing to pay and the Cops just bring the rental co to court to get their money, often if the fine is small the rental co will not bother persuing a driver from a foreign country
