Special Item Insurance


Registered User
I have recently been diagnosed with a rare eye condition and as a result of this I have to wear specialist contact lens, about €270 a go.

Unfortunately I've managed to actually lose two lens in about 3 weeks!! The lens have a habit of disappearing, I don't know how they almost seem to "fall" out of my eye!

Ignoring the fact that it's nearly impossible for contact lens to "fall" out, I was wondering if anyone knows if you can insure contact lens against damage or accidental loss?

Anyone have any ideas.....?
Check the all risks/specified item options on your house contents insurance policy perhaps to see if you can add such items to your cover?
Yeah - that's what I meant - i.e. perhaps you can add them to the policy? Of course if the cost of this in terms of premium increases was significant then you might be better off saving the money and "self insuring".

If you are having ongoing problems with the lenses falling out then discuss the matter with your optician (or other eye professional) to see if the issue can be remedied.