Spam/strange Messages Arriving On The Contact Form Of My Website

Alba Longa

Registered User
I have the Norton antivirus which seems to work fine, but recently strange emails are arriving seemingly from the Contact Form of my website.
The last one was from an non existent email address.
The object was "Modulo Contatti" (Contact Form)
Then it read: fa4dddbf31e2345c180b40b06693005
Sent from: He
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: dead, foreign earth lies upon his coffin
bcc ...............................
surname ............................
email ...........................
telephone ...........................
message ...........................
IP number ...........................
referer .................................

Is there anyone who might have a clue what is happening. I've replaced the actual email addresses (non existent) with dotted lines. There are no attachements to the emails.
Script kiddies and/or spammers are trying to use your contact form to send spam. Same thing happened to us, and we weren't even using email, all the messages were just being stored in a text file.

In the end, we just removed the contact form.

Yet again, the spamscum wreck a useful internet utility. (My email is starting to become useless, with over 1000 spam email messages a day)
If your form is using a standard script such as 'sendmail', the script kiddies have probably detected it and are trying to hijack it. In this day & age, nobody should have a script called 'sendmail' on their site. It's the first thing spammers look for. If your form simply fronts onto a 'mailto' link, then the spammers have seen your address in your web page's source code and are busy plying their wares to you. On my site, I wrote my own ASP script to handle contacts. My e-mail accress is secured on the server and cannot be 'seen' by spammers. It's non-standard so the cript kiddies leave it alone and go after easier meat.
Alba Longa said:
I have the Norton antivirus which seems to work fine, but recently strange emails are arriving seemingly from the Contact Form of my website.
The last one was from an non existent email address.
The object was "Modulo Contatti" (Contact Form)
Then it read: fa4dddbf31e2345c180b40b06693005
Sent from: He
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: dead, foreign earth lies upon his coffin
bcc ...............................
surname ............................
email ...........................
telephone ...........................
message ...........................
IP number ...........................
referer .................................

Is there anyone who might have a clue what is happening. I've replaced the actual email addresses (non existent) with dotted lines. There are no attachements to the emails.

Dead, foreign earth lies up on his coffin?

Sounds interesting.

Any links? :D
There are a number of bots currently targetting contact forms. If the form isn't secure they will try to hijack it in order to spam :(
I had the same problem. The solution is easy. Get a new email address and use the unicode &#064 instead of the @ sign such as george& Robots rarely look for this code. There are many other ways but I haven't been spammed for 2 years with this system. Be sure not to have your address on your site. If you need to hide it in a graphic to prevent it being harvested.