Spainsh Tax?



If some one know what this translates as??

Ayuntamiento de Antigua

En el period comprendido entre el 01/10/2009 y el 30/11/2009 se pondran al cobro el/los recibo/s abajo relacionado/s y que figura/n a su nombre
Si detecta algun error en el domicilio fiscal o N.I.F., comuniquelo a esta Oficina, en los telefonos arriba senalados o melestias escrito a recaudacion ayuntamiento de Antigua, C/Marcis Trujillo

Evitese molestias domiciliando el pago de sus recibos.

Si ya realizo el pago de este/os recibo/s no tenga en cuenta el presente aviso

En el caso de tener el/los recibo/s domiciliado/s asegure la provision de fondos suficiente para cubrir el importe de este aviso.
Re: Spainish Tax?

This is a letter from the Ayuntamiento (Council) of the area in which your
property is located.

They are advising that sometime during the dates mentioned they will be
collecting monies due on any properties in your name. This would be rates etc.

If you notice any error in your NIF number etc you should contact the
office via the telephone numbers they have included, or in writing.

You can avoid problems by having these bills paid by direct debit from your
bank account.

If you have already made arrangements for payment ignore the letter.

If you have made direct debit arrangements then please ensure that there are sufficient funds in your account to cover the amount(s) due.