Spain and the drought


Registered User
As a lot of people from Ireland go on holidays to Spain, I would like to bring awareness to the people here to the fact that Spain is living one of the driest years in a long time, specially in the South. I am from Spain myself, and when recently on holidays there, my family have to remind me of the situation and gave me a good few examples on how to save a few litres of water a day, which believe it or not can make a hugh different (big campaign on TV to make people aware as well):
-When brushing your teeth, please close the tap when water is not needed, same applies when having a shower, or doing the dishes.
-If going to the toilet, try not to flush fully, unless needed.
It might not mean a lot for you, but it will mean a lot for the people living there.
This has nothing to do with Holidays etc.

I don't even know if it belongs on Letting Off Steam, but anyway.

Remember: you must have posted at least 50 times to post in Letting Off Steam or The Craic.
People living in the affected regions should also bring more pressure to bear on the local politicians who tolerate/facilitate the proliferation of private golf courses (like IBERCOMPRA's [broken link removed]), built in flagrant breach of the prevailing environmental regulations, and with post hoc planning permission obtained by the most dubious means... :mad: Keeping those fairways lush and green consumes [broken link removed] of water, 24/7.. (link in Spanish only — sorry!)

Cati76, did you know that approximately 70% of the Irish mains water supply is lost through leakage even before it reaches people's households? If we weren't 'blessed' with the climate we have, we'd be in real trouble! ;)
Cati76, did you know that approximately 70% of the Irish mains water supply is lost through leakage even before it reaches people's households? If we weren't 'blessed' with the climate we have, we'd be in real trouble!
I'm not disagreeing with you but if we didn't have a wet climate there would be more of a need to fix the problem. Although the real cost of all that cleaned and treated water being wasted must be huge. Does anyone know what all the mains and local water supplies cost every year?
That I don't. I just remember once hearing someone on the radio venture the 70% wastage statistic — perhaps at a time when there'd been some recent debate about the possible reintroduction of water rates.

Of course, all the wastage is coming out of taxpayers' money anyway, so we shouldn't be any less concerned just because we don't receive a monthly, metered water bill as in Spain (and many other countries). To draw a parallel — do you think the great Irish public would be in the slightest bit orsed to 'reduce, reuse, recycle' if we hadn't started moving towards a pay-by-weight model?
DrMoriarty said:
People living in the affected regions should also bring more pressure to bear on the local politicians who tolerate/facilitate the proliferation of private golf courses (like IBERCOMPRA's [broken link removed]), built in flagrant breach of the prevailing environmental regulations, and with post hoc planning permission obtained by the most dubious means... :mad: Keeping those fairways lush and green consumes [broken link removed] of water, 24/7.. (link in Spanish only — sorry!)

Well, Spain and it's "politicians" involved in this kind of developments it's not a new thing....If we can at least raise awareness, maybe people will start doing something about here.
And yeap, Ireland is "blessed" with rainy weather, not much lately, can't remember when was the last time that rained non stop here in the south.