southpark episode about scientology

In spite of the show's generally controversial content this was one of the few South Park episodes that was withdrawn in certain regions due to the threat of legal action according to Wikipedia.
ClubMan said:
due to the threat of legal action according to Wikipedia.

According to the movie reviewing bloke on The Right Hook, Cruises new movie is to be promoted by the parent company of Paramount Comedy who show South Park.

He threatened to withdraw all "promotional assistance" for the new movie if the episode was shown.

Given this was the US and the right to free speach, I'm guessing it was more the possibility of losing money rather than the threat of legal action that caused the episode to be pulled.
Isaac Hayes (Chef) has also quit the show as a result of the episode saying that he didn't like the way it insulted his religion. Funny, he seemed to have no problem with the show insulting Jews, Catholics, Gays, foreigners, immigrants, Muslims, the French..... the list goes on and on.
