South Dublin County Council List


Registered User
Hi all, just wondering if there is anyone else waiting on an offer from SDCC?

Ive been on the list 12 months now and ive been told the waiting time is approx 14 months. Does anyone know what developments are coming up next, or has anyone had any offers lately?

Hey there

im on the list too, about 14months now, actually rang them last week, been told that there r so many applications, so you probably will not hear from there for 16-18 months at least. just have to wait and wait....
Really???? Aw poo...had my hopes up for to at least get some sort of an offer before the end of the summer. I know they can promise you the sun moon and stars but I know a friend of a friend in there and they told me that they are giving out offers to people on the list 14 months now. As far as I know there are two lists also, one for lower income and the other for higher income, maybe one is moving faster than the other!?!
yeah maybe, who knows? it is all they say this way or that way, only insider will know exactly how it works!! also i knew a friend's friends on the list, not sure DCC or SDCC, got 2offers within half a year!!

u shud have ur name put down on DCC and the rest, as far as i know. u will deffo be offered or b in the draw from DCC after 2-2&half years! long time, but worth it. or u might get lucky come out from the draw after 3month, who knows? = )
. u will deffo be offered or b in the draw from DCC after 2-2&half years! long time, but worth it. or u might get lucky come out from the draw after 3month, who knows? = )

Unfortunately I think there is a chance you would never be offered anywhere with DCC. Because it is a lottery your number might never come up, or as you say you might get lucky within a few months. Weren't they closing the list though? Not sure if this has happened yet.

Good advice to be on every list though. Also check out the Affordable Housing Initiative for slightly higher incomes.