South Dublin County Council Bin Tag Theft



Hi all, just looking for some advice on a consumer issue.

I live in Tallaght and as such I am subject to SDCC's waste collection service. I have a full size bin which costs €8 per collection; using a bin tag that must be displayed on the bin otherwise the SDCC's waste collection staff will not collect it. During the past three months I have left the bin out on three occasions only to find that the bin had not been emptied and that the bin tag had disappeared. All other bins on the street had their tags stolen too.

On all three occasions I contacted SDCC's waste department and told them that my bin had not been emptied and that my bin tag had been stolen. They told me it was not their problem and the bin & tags were my responsibility. They also told me to report the incident to the Gardai which I did on three separate occasions. I asked the SDCC on all three occasions if they would collect my bin without a bin tag the following week to recompense me (they got their €8 from me when I bought it) and they said no every time.

SDCC residing in the ivory towers of Belgard Square dreamt up this waste collection system using (initially €6) €8 tags, thinking no one would resort to stealing those tags. I've lived in Tallaght all my life and from experience I know that items with a monetary value not nailed down will attract the attention of thieves in a very short space of time. Very soon after the SDCC raised the bin tag cost from €6 to €8 in April, bin tag theft became widespread (according to a Garda I talked to). SDCC have no pre-pay or direct debit method of payment and have no plans of instigating such a method.

What is my position as a consumer with regard to SDCC's waste collection service? I did not choose this massively flawed waste collection system imposed by SDCC. I have no choice of an alternative service for waste collection. Could I make a valid complaint against the SDCC to the Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs under unfair contract terms or deceptive advertising? Could I sue for damages in the courts?
I have no choice of an alternative service for waste collection.
Not knowing your transport situation, could you use ballymount civic amenity centre? 10e per car. I lived in tallaght for 10 years, recycled as much as possible and used ballymount once every 3-4 weeks.

tip: B&Q do 100 large black bags for around 5e.
Not much use to you but [broken link removed] is what their website says:
If they're aware that this is a problem and do nothing about it then surely they are acting negligently? Have you tried giving your local elected representatives (especially councillors) an earful?
I know this may sound like a stupid question but when r u leaving your bin out? I've had problems with mine (live in Tallaght as well) but only when leaving bin with tag out over nite....never had a problem when leaving bin out in the morning...
We've had a similar problem in my estate which comes under the mantle of Fingal Co Co. I find that if you write the bintag in ball point pen - which cannot be wiped off their "waterproof" covering & then sellotape the bin tag to the handle of the wheelie bin nobody bothers to swipe it. Plenty of easier targets.
It's frustrating I know but again as pointed out, don't leave the bin out overnight.
Hi, I live in the Fingal Co Co area and my tag was swiped once.
I rang them and said I had the tear off receipt piece and they took
the serial number from it and said it would be collected from the address I gave them, but it wasn't
so I rang again and they said that a truck would be out my
way for collection, but alas, twas still full. So now when attaching the tag
I use a ball point and I use an office stapler over the sticky bit to secure it. Have had no problems since.
Just out of interest, do SDCC have any plans to introduce pay by weight. I believe Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown and some other councils are charging according to the weight of the bin - encourages recycling. Although I supppose this wouldn't stop the 'depositing' of rubbish into other people's bins overnight (I do admit to partaking in this activity as a fiscally-challenged student - bins were charged yearly not by weight)
We live in SDCC jurisdiction too but didn't know about bin tags being stolen. We did have our grey BIN stolen though, twice! First time it was carefully unloaded and our garbage was stacked neatly at the gate. Second time, they stole garbage and all! Dopes. As we have to foot the bill for replacement bins, I set to and spray painted it so it looks like a holy show altogether and nobody wants it now. But I'll be using that stapler tactic for the tags from now on. Thanks for the tip off!

HA, I love it, great idea with the spray painting! Didn't know you were allowed do that.
Im in SDCC area too. The problem we have, is bins being stolen! Our estate is a walk through to other estates in Knocklyon. Hence, young people coming back from the pub think it's great craic to have wheelie bin races. Bins have been found abandoned, with rubbish strewn everywhere, in various locations in Knocklyon. Hardly the crime of the century, but very distressing for elderly people who can't afford to keep replacing these bins. BTW, the reason the bins are left out overnight, is because of extremely early collections on occasion - particularly bank holiday weekends.
I also had my bin tag stolen the night before last and legally I believe as I've paid my €8 SDCC are obliged to fulfill their side of the contract they entered into. I phoned yesterday and said it had happened to a number of my other neighbours and she left a message on my phone that they would come out today and collect the bins and could I pass it on to the other neighbours.

They did want us all to purchase new bin tags, hence reveiving €16 per bin lift.

South Dublin County Council have no interest in stopping people stealing the bin tags, a lot of these tags are taken by lads walking home from the pub or bored youths. It is in South Dublin County Council's interest to make the tags more and more stealable. They receive double money any time this happens.

In terms of leaving it out in the morning, SDCC insist that the bins be left out before 7.30am, with work and life interfering, most of the time leaving the bin out the night before is the only fair option for most people.