Sourcing Chinese Manufacturers


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So you have a product idea and you want to find out how much a factory in China will charge to produce thousands of this item and what their terms are...

How do you find the perfect Chinese factory to make your product?
Platforms like Alibaba will allow you to contact suppliers in your field. Will they find the perfect one? Probably not, but it's a start.
How do you find the perfect Chinese factory to make your product?
Google searches, Enterprise Ireland, the Ireland China Chamber of Commerce and then a few trips to China. Anything short of that is just rolling the dice.

You'll also have to factor in that after you have agreed the price, approved samples and got your shipper and customs clearance agent in place your supplier will then start renegotiating the price.

Alternatively there are a few companies in the UK and Ireland who source in China for you and charge a commission. I'd recommend that route.

What sort of compliance issue will you face (CE marking etc)? How will you ensure that the supplier maintains the quality and continues to use the specified materials once you have approval?

I'd also suggest that you get way past the concept stage before you even consider talking to a volume supplier in China or anywhere else.