Source of or recipe for scotch eggs


Registered User
Does anyone have a decent recipe for scotch eggs or a source for good ready-made ones?
Jeeze! Haven't ever seen or heard of them but am going to try making them tonight. Sounds scrumptious.
... The hairy bikers made these the other night on their show. Looks lovely!
Thanks for that. I used to have them years ago for lunch in London but I've never managed to find any that come close to the quality or taste I remember. (Flanagan's Dive Bar, Lothbury and another place on Liverpool Street had the best ones IIRC).
A recipe ?

Hardboiled egg + sausage meat + golden crumbs (PAXO ?) + deep-fat frier ?

I used to make them for myself years ago and never needed instruction.
Thanks, my sister got me some M&S scotch eggs and they failed the memory test. They're probably fine, but not as I remember them.
Thanks, my sister got me some M&S scotch eggs and they failed the memory test. They're probably fine, but not as I remember them.

Nope your memory is perfectly in tact, the M&S ones are too dry. Can't beat the freshly made.
Plus I'm sure the meat used in bought scotch eggs is generally not exactly from award winning sausages either.
Supervalue also them on their deli counter - never had them so i can't comment on taste / quality.
Ah my first ever cooking lesson in home economics - jeez going back about 25 years or so.

Laughing at Tarfhead - that was exactly what we made.

Thought they were gorgeous too - very exotic fare for the time.
... Laughing at Tarfhead - that was exactly what we made...
Hence my plea for a recipe!

Just had a text from a pal to say that the bikers had "black pudding" and "spicy Asian fusion" scotch eggs as well as the recipe on the BBC website on their show.
Here is a recipe from Mrs Beeton's book of HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT

3 hard-boiled eggs
1/2 a lb of sausage meat
1 egg
6 croûtes of fried bread. (Note: These are cut in rounds the same size as the half scotch egg shown in the picture and look very attractive)

METHOD. - Let the eggs become quite cold, remove the shells, and cover each one completely with sausage-meat.
Coat them carefully with beaten egg and breadcrumbs, and fry in hot fat until nicely browned.
Cut each egg in half, dish them cut side upwards on the croûtes of fried bread besprinkled with chopped parsley, and serve either hot or cold.

Time: 3/4 hour. Sufficient for 6 persons

I haven't tried them so I can't verify how good they are.

Cutbacks Mat. We've had to cull many of our laying hens and take their golden eggs. Sorry!

We have all (apparently ) to share the pain. But I notice that in a similar recipe no 2908 that there is mention of tomato sauce frequently accompanying the dish.

So perhaps we could supply sauce for the big guys and none for the little people?
