soundness of will



my late father was a silent director of my brothers company. on my fathers passing we learn that the solicitor my dad used to draw up his will is the same said company solicitor. the lion share of my fathers estate has been left to this brother who is also joint executor. have i any grounds to contest this will.

OK - was your father under duress, was he of unsound mind, did he know what he was doing when he made his will, is there any reason why he would have benefitted one child over others? Etc.,etc.

On the information you have set out, it is impossible to answer your question.

my father was termanally ill with cancer, he had already made a will but revoked it, i feel he was tricked into thinking that by leaving me and my other two brothers a share of the family home that this would burden us with a tax liability that we couldnt pay. my dad always said that the house would be shared out to the four sons but this changed when he wrote the will in my brothers solicitors office

This is such a loaded post.

Let me ask you this? WHO TRICKED HIM? The solicitor ( that's the implication) or your brother who benefits?

Offspring are not automatically entitled to a share of their parent's estate. It is possible to dispute/contest a will but you would need to take careful legal advice as to whether or not you have any grounds for such an action.

the fact is that my brother has been using this solicitor for years and has a close working relationship with same. surely if a solicitor is supposed to be independant and above reproach they could have advised my father not to make the will with them to avoid a conflict of intrest.. i know offspring are not automatically entitled to a share of the parents estate but at the same time the ethics around the making of this will are highly questionable
Why are you not taking legal advice from a solicitor instead of putting rather personal details out on a public forum?