Sopranos.. new series?


Registered User
When is the new series due to start on RTE or Ch4. It seems like an age since it finished. Is it due to start in the Autumn? I need my fix of Big T & co :D
Series 6 has not been screened in the US yet.
AFAIK it still being filmed.
[broken link removed]

If it makes the US Fall season, then it should be screened Ireland around January 2006.

Capisce ?
[huge fan since day one] Anyone Have any good ideas how its going to end?

Cant imagine Big T getting Clipped, probably do an Al Capone on him. Reckon Pauly wallnuts is definitly in for a hit.
I reckon Meadow has to become a key player - Will she end up taking over from T, or competing against him?
Maybe she will go to work in the club-I think she has talents that could be put to good use there ;) .
RainyDay said:
I reckon Meadow has to become a key player - Will she end up taking over from T, or competing against him?

I doubt it, Chris has been given the nod to take over from T, although i dont think he'll make it that far but your right about Meadow, she is like her old man even though she hates it so Im sure we'll see more of her, i hope!
I still think that Russian soldier guy from the pine barrons episode is goin to turn up some day!
TarfHead said:
Series 6 has not been screened in the US yet.
AFAIK it still being filmed.
[broken link removed]

If it makes the US Fall season, then it should be screened Ireland around January 2006.

Capisce ?

I don't think its due on HBO until March 2006 (seems a bit long since they are filming now but I've seen it mentioned in a few plances)
Sopranos 6th Hits March '06
June 02, 2005
By Anthony Crupi

HBO confirmed that the sixth, and perhaps last, season of The Sopranos will premiere in March 2006, two years after the season five debut.

The premium network began showing teasers for the new strip before the Memorial Day weekend run of the miniseries Empire Falls.

Sopranos creator David Chase recently told a forum sponsored by The New Yorker and Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Journalism that the sixth season will concern itself with “money and…materialism, buying stuff, consumerism.” At the same forum, Chase hinted that a seventh season remained in the realm of the possible.
[broken link removed]
RainyDay said:
The interior decorator?

A Classic...

Pauly: "he's an Interior Designer for Christs Sake"
Chris: "Really? Cause his apartment looked like sh*it...."

So premier not till March 2006 eh, ouch thats a loooooooong time, hope RTE will be on the ball again.
RainyDay said:
I reckon Meadow has to become a key player - Will she end up taking over from T, or competing against him?

Interesting angle Rainyday. It would certainly make for an exciting climax.

Don't forget about Furio. He may still return.

Taken from HBO website.

"As it turned out, Furio's stay in the States was not a long one. Although he became a valued member of Tony's crew, he was never fully at home in the Garden State. In addition, he found himself in an impossible personal predicament; he had fallen in love with Carmela Soprano. On a trip home for his father's funeral, Furio's uncle advised him that he had two options: he could either stay away from Carmela . . . or kill Tony. Furio made his choice. He returned to the New Jersey long enough to put his house on the market, then took a one-way flight back to Italy. He hasn't been heard from since."

Final series premieres Sun Mar 12th in the US. There will be 12 episodes, then a break for several months with the final 8 episodes starting Jan 07.
US Media Previews of the first 4 episodes of series 6, say it is back better than ever.
Hopefully RTE will get it for Autumn 06.
did I hear right ( or was I dreaming) that the guy who acted as meadows boyfriend in series 5 is up for murder in new york? I heard of getting into the part but this seems to be a quantum leap.
With torrents accounting for a third of all web traffic, I read recently that the "lost" episodes accounts for 10% of all internet traffic at any one time, for the 24hrs after it screens in the states.
Sopranos to follow suit methinks.
car said:
With torrents accounting for a third of all web traffic, I read recently that the "lost" episodes accounts for 10% of all internet traffic at any one time, for the 24hrs after it screens in the states.
Sopranos to follow suit methinks.

1st Episode, aired last night,already out on Torrents so if you know where to look and how to d/l you can find it ;)

Also out on Newsgroups not that I condone this type of behaviour

Random Quote
Dr. Jennifer Melfi: I have patients who are suicidal!
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: Well they're not gonna feel any better about their life if you get clipped
Channel 6 showing Series 1 from the very start now - Tony was a lot slimmer in the oul days.