sony walkman itunes songs


Registered User
I just got a sony walkman as a present. I have loaded on a few songs etc grand. I tried to load on a few songs I had previously purchased on itunes. The device wont read them.

what do I need to do. I dont want to go down the converter route.
I want to be able to drag and drop from itunes or sony media manager.
Is there something simple im doing wrong or is there a specific version of itunes etc. After the fillename of the song in brackets it says protected.

Music purchased in the iTunes Store that is not DRM free (iTunes +) will only work in iTunes and on iPods and iPhones.
why would they limit themselves to just ipods, i cant buy anymore from itunes (i used to just play from the laptop)... anywho theres a reason, thanks
I doubt it you convert them, you'll notice much of a difference in SQ. But thats the only way.
Burn them to a cd using i-tunes. Then import the cd using the sony program.
still getting around the walkman.


I can create a playlist on windows media player and just drop it into the walkman. The way i see it is, if i have songs already on the walkman i still have to copy the song to the playlist ie i cant point to the existing song so i have 2 copies of the song on the player. is this true.

I have albums on the player. I made a playlist using the same songs on media player.
I cant see all the songs in the playlist in the player yet i can see them in media player before i sync. Also I can see these songs in their own album strange, anyone seen this.
