somewhere warm USA Xmas 2010


Registered User
looking for suggestions on the above. i think orlando can be hit and miss temperature wise so looking for alternatives. 2 adults and 2 two year olds (am i mad). I can't face another christmas of being house bound and frozen pipes!
Yes, think Florida was quite cold this Christmas, temps only in low-mid teens which isn't exactly balmy. LA perhaps? Think it is quite temperate there at that time but have never been there in Winter. Failing that, Cancun? (Mexico, but might as well be USA as you'd hardly know the difference!)
i don't really want to go to the west coast, like the idea of florida, as its a safety net as we kind of know what to expect having been to orlando/clearwater etc a few times. i just want that little bit of security that past visits have assured me off when travelling with babies...
Think you would be fine in Cancun then, weather is much warmer and also on the East coast and great for families. Good hotels, big eco-waterpark for the kids, loads of activities and sights. Would recommend to anyone who enjoys Florida-style hols. You could fly via UK or direct to Orlando and then get a connection down to Mexico - cheap and easy!
thats a lot of flying with 2 small babies so for that reason i will prob have to stick with somewhere in florida. fly into atlanta and then connect for a short flight to tampa or miami or other....
How hot do you want it, we spend Christmas this year in Orlando and two days in Clearwater (wished I had spent all the time there) we were outside all the time swam in a heated pool and never needed a jacket any day I did wear a jumper somedays walked along the beach in Clearwater one day tempts. mid 20's unless you want sunbathing weather everyday. I would plan to go to Floriday if you want to stick to what you know have a look at tripadvisor for ideas of places to stay along the coast. Unless you specifically want the parks I'd stay clear of Orlando.
mid 20s would be fine. the last time i was in clear water is was in the 30s. did you do self catering there.
LA perhaps?

I'm in LA at the moment and the weather in California has been terrible all week ... December/January can be nice and balmy (up to 20degrees possible in Southern California) but it's by no means guaranteed ... currently it's like a bad spring day in Ireland (temperature barely in double digits .. blowing a gale and pouring rain

The Caribbean is likely going to be your best bet for a bit of heat around Christmas time I'd say ... nowhere in the US is guaranteed warm around Christmas time.
Yes we rented a house in Orlando great bargains there at moment as over supply of them as alot of people invested in property and now are clammering to let them so you can negotiate price but I would think it would be different at the coast. We enjoyed getting up every morning and swimming in our heated pool - lovely spending christmas morning in the pool.