Something for the ladies!


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I must say this photo is unreal - I'd be in a heap on the floor seeking physiotherapy treatment urgently

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C'mon the boyz!!
So...who's up at 6 tomorrow? Can't wait...sausages sizzling and hope to God the kids play a blinder and don't wake until half 8!!
So...who's up at 6 tomorrow? Can't wait...sausages sizzling and hope to God the kids play a blinder and don't wake until half 8!!

Ha Ha - I know how you feel

The TV in the bedroom is primed for a 6am wake-up call. We are praying that the kids decide to have a lie-on tomorrow. Otherwise it'll be "Mam, Dad - I watch Peppa now" from our 2yo
Ha Ha - I know how you feel

The TV in the bedroom is primed for a 6am wake-up call. We are praying that the kids decide to have a lie-on tomorrow. Otherwise it'll be "Mam, Dad - I watch Peppa now" from our 2yo

Wait until they're 3!
6AM ?

Lightweight !

I'll be up at 5:30 to get irritated, in my half-awake state, by that fool McGurk and George off on one of his streams of consciousness.

The kids will wander downstairs around 7am looking for the TV remote, to be met with their frazzled father growling at them and the TV and anything else that comes into my line of sight.

I'm under strict instructions to get myself awake and downstairs without making ANY noise.

TV in the bedroom ? Never.
some rugby game is on I's got so little media coverage this week, it's hard to know what's happening!!!
But sure we're in the final already by all accounts, so no need to fret about tomorrow or next weekend!!!