Someone to Put together Flat Pack Furniture


Registered User

Does anyone know someone who is good at putting flat pack furniture together? I have 2 bedside lockers, a chest of drawers and a bed that need doing and can't get anyone who will do it for me....not even going to attempt it myself!!
Any handyman would do it for you. They're easy enough to put together after a bit of the time you reach bed, you'd be a dab hand!
jenolan said:

Does anyone know someone who is good at putting flat pack furniture together? I have 2 bedside lockers, a chest of drawers and a bed that need doing and can't get anyone who will do it for me....not even going to attempt it myself!!

How much would you be offering for this service?
I'll do it for €200 (admittedly a high price but not a rip-off because I'm very good) if you're in Dublin (single digit postal codes only).
ClubMan said:
I'll do it for €200 (admittedly a high price but not a rip-off because I'm very good) if you're in Dublin (single digit postal codes only).

Will do all areas in County Dublin. Previous work on display in Portmarnock. Will undercut Clubman significantly .

P.S. Is that a 'cash price' Mr. C??????????
Will do all areas in County Dublin. Previous work on display in Portmarnock. Will undercut Clubman significantly .

P.S. Is that a 'cash price' Mr. C??????????

Damn. You beat me to it!!!

Am living in Firhouse area and will do it for less than €200 as well.
I'd like to see the reaction if jenolan decides to take ClubMan, Gabriel or CCovich up on their offers...however at the risk of jeopardising this possibility, I have to throw out the theory that perhaps they are 'holding themselves out to be experts' and would therefore be liable for any future problems with said flatpack furniture. Also I see no mention of professional indemnity insurance...does this post put the price up?
Can we have an AAM bidding war to see how little someone will put flatpack furniture up for? Nothin lads like more then racking a bit of flatpack together. Id say CMs been at it lately what with cots an all so he should be in the mood... where are you based?

Seriously, go down to your local newsagents, supermarket and you'll see handyman postits/notices, they'll have it together for you in no time. All you need is a drill, some bits and a hammer, and oh yeah, a bit of patience in case theres missing parts.
The follow up support service is an extra €100 p.a. To paraphrase Groucho Marx "those are my prices and if you don't like them I have others"!
Sorry for the delay but I'm back to respond and put you all out of your misery!

€200!! You must be mad! For that on top of the cost of the furniture I could've bought the real thing in the first place & saved myself the headache! So eh thanks but no thanks!

I should've said but I live in Greystones so "Car" think I will take your advice (its been the soundest so far!) and go to my local supermarket notice board. Hopefully I won't get ripped off there!
My entire house (bar the house itself) is flat pack. I had more than my fair share of Homer Simpson bbq making moments over the past year and a half.

Bear in mind that a bed (depending on the number of pieces) can take a number of hours to put together. So you're paying for man hours really.
My bed had well over 60 pieces of wood. Took me over 3 hours to put together...mainly cos they didn't label anything so to find something you had to compare it to everything else, measure it etc...

Oh the joys of flat pack furniture
Looks like there is a bit of a business opportunity going a begging here - given the [broken link removed] in this area.
RainyDay said:
This wouldn't be a qualified accountant seeking to facilitate tax evasion, would it?

Never! I was questioning whether Clubman was quoting the price for 'cash'.

Seriously jenolan, do you not have any relatives/friends/admirers who would help you out? I would be only too happy to do it for someone I knew (recently helped out my sis with her desks/shelves etc. and of course did all of the furniture, sanitary ware, curtain poles etc. in our own gaff).

I do remember ID Design mad offering a flatpack service and it weren't cheap. But the guy in Bargaintown that Tonash suggested seems competitive enough I guess.
Call off the search party, someone has very kindly offered to do it for €100 so that'll do nicely!

ccovich, yes I do have friends,family, admirers (less of them admittedly!) but you know yourself I'll be left waiting for them to come and do it and it'll never get done.

Thanks for you help all!