Someone else in Credit Card trouble



An issue with my parents and their credit card. One of my parents is racking up a credit card debt which they are struggling to pay off. It is increasing every week as that parent has given the cc number to a sibling of mine, who is constantly spending on it. The parent tells that sibling to stop using it, but won't put pressure over the issue, so it goes on. This parent wants to cut off the cc, the problem is that it is in the other parent's name and won't call to do it because of this. Is there anyway I can get this cut off, or at least a new card issued, so the sibling of mine doesn't have access to the credit card number?
Any advice appreciated.
There are three people involved here. Each and everyone of them is contributing to the problem. The most obvious solution is to try to stop the sibling from spending on a c c that is not theirs. The second very obvious solution is for the owner of the credit card to put a stop on the card. If neither of them will deal with it, there is precious little anyone else can do.

just to clarify...the other person involved doesn't use the card and isn't aware that it is being used
Bite the Bullet - tell the other parent. Your sibling is holding you guys to ransom.
Is there anyway I can get this cut off, or at least a new card issued, so the sibling of mine doesn't have access to the credit card number?
Any advice appreciated.

Take it into your own hands and put a sissors to the card.

The sibling will then have to go the parent and ask for a new card, hopefully parent will see the light and decline the request.

Like other posters have said, there is no point allowing the sibling further contribute to a growing debt. Cutting the card may also teach them the real value of money...

Except they can still continue to use the card online and for purchases over the phone. The card has to be cancelled or the sibling needs to cop on.
Your parent could claim that s/he lost their card, and request a new one, but it would cause problems if the sibling continues to spend on the old number. The only way around that is to let your sibling know that a new card is being issued, and that s/he will not be getting the new number.

The only other solution I can think of is to maybe have the credit limit reduced as much as possible. This would prevent your sibling from making some purchases, at least.
Honesty is the best policy I think. Is there a good reason why the other parent is in the dark? Is there a better reason why they should be kept in the dark? It isn't going to be easy to 'fess up to it but that sort of behaviour has to be curtailed, it is getting out of hand. The other parent will find out eventually, better to tell than to have to deal with the the consequences of inadvertent disclosure.