some questions re structural survey report


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I've finally received my structural report and there are a couple of things that I'm a wee bit worried about but I don't understand enough. I'm waiting for the surveyor to ring me back and explain these things a bit better to me, but i thought I seek some adivce here, too.
I'm buying a 60 year old former local authority house in Drimnagh. One of those 2 beds where there is millions of them around.
It obviously has a few "wear and tear" things going on, which are to be expected for such a house, but the two things that worry me are as follows:

"it should be noted that for houses of this particular from of construction there exists a perennial problem with moisture penetration thorugh the floor screeds"

"marginal high damp meter readings in the party wall with the adjoining property"

Has anyone living in Drimnagh or houses of this kind any kind of wisdom on the above statements? When I walked through the house it did not appear one bit damp (the walls, one could obviously not know about the floor), but I don't know what marginal high damp meter readings mean. And is there any way of fixing this without having to dig down into the ground?

All help appreciated!