Some credit for RTE - Families in the wild

Ceist Beag

Registered User
RTE get a lot of negative posts with regards to content so I think it only fair to post a positive one about the Families in the wild programme which finished up last night. David Coleman is (imho) fantastic in these programmes. He shows real patience, empathy and understanding with those he works with and by and large it looks like the results from each of his series to date have been positive. I've enjoyed each one of them (I think this is the fourth one now?) so well done RTE for the good work.
Well I thought so too for a while..

Then I watched this one with my teens and they said they would never go on a programme like that,as their friends would know all about them,which may be fine ,if you are 6,7 say up to 10 but after that I can imagine the slagging would be fierce,and in some cases I would say the kids involved would get a very hard time from "friends"..In other words the parents made the decision to go public about their childrens behavior..I wonder how the children will feel about this in years to come...

I agree that David Coleman is effective,I agree that it seems to have an positive effect on the family dynamic,but would still be concerned about how the children will feel about this in the future.

One of my kids said it should be renamed "Parents with problems",as it does seem that the parents are the major cause of the problems..perhaps it would be an idea to just do the course on TV with the parents,and deal with the children seperatly.Most parenting courses dont have the children involved..

I think editing and use of emotions must be a huge part of that programme,fine if you are an adult..

Can you imagine if you were 18 or 19 and they replayed that programme and there you are at a much younger age!!

I think it was the last one where they had a young lad from Tallaght and he was so happy to away from the area,he thrived,he was energetic and up for life,but like all the families involved he had to go back and face the all the obsticles that caused him to fight etc..that must be very very difficult.I felt so sad for him, it was obvious he was a good kid,it was clear he had potential it was clear he could have a future if he was allowed to,but I got the impression he was never going to be given that was also clear , was because others in his area would give him such a hard time.
He said he wished he could stay wherever in the country they were,and I wished he could have too, he really enjoyed the peace and the space and the lack of influence from the local heads..

The young boy from this series Adam, seemed to be a very angry child,but David Coleman seemed to have a very calming effect on him.It was this family that I admired the most, esp the Mother who is trying realy hard to change things..fair play to her..

I thought it was an amazing insight into Adam,when he said ,Ma your wrecking me head,your talking like your from was as if he thought that he didnt deserve to be treated with respect and not be shouted and screamed at..
There was also a seperated mum with three kids, and it was this mother that my kids said,oh thank god shes not my mother,she seemed to have an answer for everything and came across as a know it all.If I was her child I would your wrecking me head..