Solictior Query


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Would appreciate someones advise as I seem to be digging my grave on this one. My ex crashed my car - as good as rode it off - he told me he would get it repaired - I took his word on it - He later refused - I found out where my car was and spoke to the mechanic - he said alot of work to be done, which was obvious. This happened in Jan 05. In March he told me it was ready to take and presented a bill of 2200, which i had to take a loan out to pay him, and did. Went to take the car off him after giving him the cheque and he said he was after encountering another problem with the engine... so to cut a long story short i didnt get my car back until June 05 - in which he presented me another bill it was for 3300 so i thought it was an extra 1200 ontop of what i had paid him but no it wasnt it was a separate bill ... he gave me the car as i told the mechanic i was going to go to my solicitor and was going to get my ex to pay the costs... To make this short my ex has paid 2600. My solicitor advised i should settle on this as i wasnt going to get any more. He charged me 800 out of this so the case has been settled with my ex and I but now i think i am worse off as I have left myself open now to be sued by the mechanic and again this means ill have to pay my solicitor ... Does anyone have any advise??
I take it your ex was driving your car under your insurance so cover was reduced to TPF&T while he drove. Did he have a car of his own. Did he have comp insurance in his own name, did this expend to driving other cars. If he had then why not try claim under his insurance.

You are now liable to pay both bills from the mechanic total 5,500. As you have received 1,800 your are out of pocket for 3,700. Unfortunately you will have to write this off to experience.
appreciate your reply - he had his own ins which wasnt comp but did have open cover... yes valuable lesson learnt at this stage.. i certainly wont be lending my car to anyone in a rush. Also with the mechanic if he had told me from day 1 that it was going to amount to this i would nt have gone ahead with it..