Solicitors letter.



Hi, i have just recieved a 7 day notice (solicitors letter) to pay up 1899 euro or go to court. I did not pay in the first place as i believe the company do not do enough to merit this high charge.(management company). They have now forced their hand by sending this letter. They leave me with no option but to pay up for a half arsed attempt at managing a property. ie. grass overgrown, gates always broken, lights intermittent, rubbish everywhere. (please don't tell me to go to the residents committee as they are all a load of sheep.) My question is:
can i pay this over 2 or 3 payments?
thats all i'd like to know.
thanks in advance......................
I suspect that you must pay it in full as requested. You may also be billed for legal/admin expenses in chasing this debt. You might want to get your own legal advice. And maybe read your management company lease terms & conditions again or have them explained to you to see why you cannot simply stop paying these charges.

Are you not a member/shareholder of the management company in question? If so then you are probably cutting off your nose to spite your face by witholding payment to your company so that it can do its job properly. If this is not happening then you should be using your influence as a member/shareholder to effect changes in how things are done rather than boycotting your own company. If you're problem is actually with the management agent rather than company then you should be working to get the company to switch to a better agent.
this is a bit of a catch 22. You are a member of the management company. pay your fees which is your contribution to all the costs of running the management company, in laymans terms you are essentially paying pro-spectively for services to be be provided rather than retro-spectively ...this is why when buying an apt from new you have to pay charges up front in most cases before you are given the keys. You should make it your business to find out the financial circumstances of your company. , It could be case that the services have not been performed because you are not only person to not have paid fees and therefore there is no money to pay for them. (the management company that i am a member of, have found ourselves in this situation) I am not defending the management agent ,who normally look after the day to day running of the company - they could be doing a shambolic job, in which case the route is as a previous poster has suggested , talk to the directors / residents, make enough noise and try to go get the agent sacked.
In answer to your original question most cases you can come to an arrangement with the managment agent to pay all debts owed over a defined period of time normally before the end of your company's financial year, however this depends on the company financial position, they way not be a position to extend the option of staged payment.