Solicitors/legal representatives who specialise in defending clients fr penaltypoints


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I'm not sure if this is the correct forum or not for this question, but are there solicitors/legal representatives who specialise in defending clients for penalty point related court cases? What are the options with these type of court cases and is there any aproximate figure on the success rate of avoiding penalty points?

Thanks in advance for any advice, it's much appreciated.
Re: Legal representation to avoid penalty points

I went to court to fight a 1 pt penalty, and lost so it turned into 3. the judge has nothing to do with points, they come from the RSA. the judge is only interested in are you guilty of offence or not. I got prices from solicitors and they ranged from 250 euro to 450 euro, good luck
Re: Legal representation to avoid penalty points

Thanks for that Davy. So what's the procedure? How long does it last or does that depend on the case? Do you mind me asking which solicitor you went with in the end and were they good? PM me if you like, thanks.

I'm going to court at the end of the month to fight a 2 point penalty. I think I'm resigning myself to the fact that I'm gonna lose. If the points are doubled, will I also be fined?
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Re: Legal representation to avoid penalty points

If you have evidence that you did not commit the offence you may be ok.
Also it depends on the Judge, if S/He thinks that you are out just to get out of an offence you may be found guilty.

I have seen a few people trying to get off penalty points and failing, the only ones I seen getting off were ones who had evidence that they did not commit the offence.

Just out of interest why did you challenge the points if you are unsure if you will win or not?
Re: Legal representation to avoid penalty points

Yea, that seems logical enough. I didn't intentionally challenge it. The notification went to the address on my driving license which wasn't discovered until after the 57 days had elapsed. My fault for not checking.

Anyway, is there a point in having representation or even being there if you can't prove anything?
Re: Legal representation to avoid penalty points

Well I would definitely go, but not too sure if representation would be of any help at all.
Just go to the Judge and explain your case he may understand or he may not - in my experience it depends on the judge. If you don't go you will get the max fine/points - if you do go you have some chance of getting it reduced

The case will prob last about a minute or so - over before you know it

Re: Legal representation to avoid penalty points

Well thanks very much for the confirmation on that... it's been playing on my mind a lot lately especially since I don't know what's involved.
I'll get some opinions from a couple of legal sources and see what they think.

Appreciate all the help and replies to date!
Re: Legal representation to avoid penalty points

From the (FAQ) on

Q. Have I any recourse if I am issued with a penalty point?

A. If you pay the fixed charge, you are pleading no contest and accepting that the points will be endorsed on your licence record. You can opt however to go to court in which case, you have the opportunity to defend your actions. If you are acquitted, obviously there is no question of penalty points being endorsed. However, you run the risk of incurring a higher number of penalty points, if found guilty. You are of course entitled to appeal a case to a higher court if you wish to contest the finding of the court. No penalty points will be endorsed on the licence record until all appeals procedures which are availed of by an individual, have been completed and notification is received from the Courts Service in the event that a conviction is imposed.

It is possible to be fined as well as the points being applied. It depends on what you have been charged with and whether it is a first offence.
Re: Legal representation to avoid penalty points

Same thing happened me, thats not an excuse! I was fined 100 euro. the judge won't even mention PP, they come in the post a few weeks after conviction. My advice and something I should have done, is try and meet the gardai who issued ticket and plead your case. you never know he might squash it. I used Breen, McCarty and Sheen in limerick. judge wasn't interested in post or address matters, only if I was guilty of offence or not!