Solicitors Fees


Registered User
Can anyone give me an indication of how much i should budget for solicitors fees selling one house buying another:

sell 245k buy 190k (yes i know its a bargain.... bigger house, in the country, 1/2 acre of land.....)

Given the current climate -should there be room to negotiate???
Can anyone give me an indication of how much i should budget for solicitors fees selling one house buying another:

sell 245k buy 190k (yes i know its a bargain.... bigger house, in the country, 1/2 acre of land.....)

Given the current climate -should there be room to negotiate???

There's always room to negotiate everything. The current climate wouldn't contribute to that where I work though. Going with one solicitor for both sale and purchase I'm sure they will give you a good quote. Remember though that word of mouth recommendation is where you should start- and when you find a good solicitor they won't be offended if you look for a reduction ( well, depending on how much!).
Thanks for that. We are thinking about using the same solicitor that we used when buying our house in the first place, just wondering a ball park figure of what i should expect so i know where to stop pushing for reduction.... last time we got €500 off the bill as i called around other local solicitors.......
€2100 all-in seems to be the best quotation I got after inquiring with 4. I found a good list on the website. Hope this helps.
€2100 all-in seems to be the best quotation I got after inquiring with 4. I found a good list on the website. Hope this helps.

Does the 2100 include 1. Fee. 2. VAT @ 21% and 3. Outlays.?
Outlays ( searches and Land Registry fees is applicable) can easily top 800.
I suspect that either the 2100 is for one property only based on Registry of Deeds fees or else its fee plus VAT only for two transactions ( no outlays).

yes 2100 ("all-in") includes fees, vat and outlays for 1 property. so with that info, aoc has a baseline cost for 1 property and can negotiate. all the offices I rang were very prompt with information: with some I got quotations on the phone and others emailed me within 20 mins.
Good luck!
if you are happy with that then ask for a secion 60 quote and make sure that they don't have any caveats where additional charges can occur without you being forewarned.
That would be a s.68 letter- which woule be given automatically ( under stringent law society regs) on instructions being given and once it is clear what work is being undertaken.

The only thing to add to above is that outlays are hugely different when buying and selling- normally much less on selling, depending on title.
Thanks for all the info. i thought we would have to pay in the region of 5k.... another. we are thinking about using the same solicitor that we used when buying our house, but i know if i have a good price from someone else he will agreed to same... will def check the website.

thanks again