Solicitors fees for remortgaging with the same lender


Registered User
We're in the final stages of remortgaging with PTSB to carry out an extension. Our existing loan is with PTSB and will be paid off as soon as the first stage payment is drawn down. I've nominated a solicitors and the loan pack should be going to them today. I've just spoken to them and they've advised that once they receive the pack, they'll get us to come in and sign for the loan but they will also want us to sign a letter to the lender giving our premission for them to request the title information. Surely this isn't necessary when this aspect was all covered off when we took the first loan and we're neither moving property or lender. Is this normal or is it a way for the solicitor to increase their fees? I was expecting a nominal fee and a quick appointment to sign, without having to worry about searches and land registry coming into it. Has anyone else had to do this? If not - can I have the name of your solicitor!!
You're kidding aren't you?

You are remortgaging - not doing a top up? The solicitor has to do most of the same checks and balances all over again - all of the searches and such like (including Land Registry registrations) have to be done again. No way is the solicitor going to certify the title to ptsb without going through it all again.
