Solicitor to handle house sale . .


Registered User
Is there any legal/logistical reason that it may be better to use the solicitor who was involved when I bought my current house (10 years ago), in the sale of said house now, rather than a use different solicitor?
None at all. All the necessary title information required by a vendor's solicitor should be with the Deeds. And all other information you will need to supply to any solicitor will be coming from you anyway - e.g. any planning, right of way, family law, NPPR, tax, BER, issues.......

Thanks for the quick reply. I thought as much but wasn't sure. I wonder if it's a good idea or not to ask the Estate Agent to recommend a solicitor? (perhaps they won't do that anyway).
Depends. If you like and trust your EA, there is no reason why not. They will have had dealings with lots of solicitors and may well recommend you to someone good. If you don't like and /or trust them, you may take the view ( you might do that anyway!) that its just croneyism !

I'd say ask for a recommendation from family and friends. And use someone who is logistically close to you rather than to the property.

Anyone know what Solicitors charge for handling a straight forward house sale? Do they look for a % or is it mostly flat rate these days?
Is there any legal/logistical reason that it may be better to use the solicitor who was involved when I bought my current house (10 years ago), in the sale of said house now, rather than a use different solicitor?

They might give you a lower quote as it's repeat business.