solicitor & surveyor


Registered User
Ive read stories of people being charged up to 5k as a percentage of the house sale and others of solicitors charging a flat fee of 999e. How reliable are the flat fee guys and does anyone have a number for one (if they exist)?

Also looking for a surveyor to look at the S/H house Im interested in purchasing. And does anyone know if snag list thats produced on a SH property the same as whats produced for a new one?

Hi Car- In relation to flat fee solicitors as far as I know the usual crowd are Homebuy Homesell- who do it for 999- what happens is that you call a central number and are alloted a solicitor in your area- so it really depends on who you get. I do believe that many solicitors who are not affiliated to HBHS are also now doing flat fee conveyancing. If you know of friends or family who have used a solicitors services recently they were happy with, then this recommendation is usually the best- you could then ring this solicitor for a quote.

In relation to the surveyor- normally you buy a SH house as it is- the reason for the survey is to ensure that there are no major structural or planning issues- you don't normally get to 'snag' like you would a new house.
Currently in the process of buying a second house, went with one of those 999 euro solicitors from a leaflet i'd seen in the credit union.a complete nitemare and when you add in all the extra charges not much cheaper,never again.My advice is try and find someone who is well recomended.
I went with a 999 flat fee solicitor from I think it was and it was a women named Susan Cosgrove with Lyons Solicitors in D2 and she was excellent and I've receommended her to others and theyve also had good experiences with her.

Personally I think that conveyancing is not a value-added process and am not prepared to pay extra for it as it is very methodical and is mostly done by junior staff anyway. I also think that by clearly demonstrating to the solicitor that you know exactly what is involved and convey your desired timelines to them theyll be more inclined not to mess around with you. Also email is by far the best form of communication with them as youre not waiting on the phone for them and they can just mail you back whenever they have a second.

I went with Joe/Jack Lynch from [broken link removed] for my survey and he was quite professional and decently priced, report was good quality (though he didnt mention an asbestos roof on the garage) and cost €270 plus vat I think and did the valuation at a discounted price of €75 cos it was in the same callout.