solicitor/stamp duty


Registered User
when a solicitor pays stamp duty for you on a property purchase,should he/she give a reciept to show that it was paid in full or should one just take their word as gospel. thanks
The solicitor doesn't get a receipt from the revenue - rather a stamped deed.

Normally I would say just take it as gospel....but given current revelations, you could ask for a copy of the stamped deed.
Get some evidence !

I know of a couple who had paid their solcitor the required stamp duty over 10 years ago and when then went to move house found it had never been paid
Get some evidence !

I know of a couple who had paid their solcitor the required stamp duty over 10 years ago and when then went to move house found it had never been paid

Two issues. If they had a mortgage, then the lender would never have received the deeds and would have called in the loan long ago.

If they did not have a mortgage, did they never ask the solicitor for their deeds?

Lender never did receive the deeds.....they never contacted my cousin about it either.

It was only when they went to sell the house and tried to arrange an increased mortgage for the new house that it was discovered.
what did they do about it,does this mean that this is a possible stroke for solicitors
No it was just an oversight by the solicitors I think was a long and painful process to go through all the figures but they admitted their mistake and sorted it out in the end.
when a solicitor pays stamp duty for you on a property purchase,should he/she give a reciept to show that it was paid in full or should one just take their word as gospel. thanks

Make sure you also check that the solicitor and the revenue calculated the stamp correctly - both can make mistakes
If a tax payment is made Revenue should issue a receipt - no questions asked!
Revenue should issue a proper receipt for stamp duty paid. The stamp on the deed is very small and difficult to read. The old style stamps did at least show the stamp duty paid.