Solicitor one-off consultation fee ?


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Hi All

I know the following question might be like asking how a long a piece of string is but here goes anyway.

What would one expect to pay (ballpark obviously) for a one-off consultancy with a solicitor re. a conveyancing issue ? For example if there had been some negligence involved in handling an issue (by one's own solicitor) and this consultation was simply to clarify options and get some advice etc before progressing. Probably half an hour to an hour.

Most small offices will charge a nominal 100 plus VAT for a consultation. Limited to say one hour. It is as long as a piece of string and it is seldom as simple as a client imagines which means that a new solicitor may have to carry out certain investigations/enquiries to give any meaningful advice.

would the first consultation be free anyway and then 125 + vat - i presume it would vary - depending on area etc
I think a lot of solicitors have been badly stung by potential clients getting a lot of free advice! I personally find that I'm more inclined to take someone seriously if they are willing to pay for advice. A potential client is also more likely to put their thoughts in order and take the situation seriously if they are paying for the advice. Free advice is very often taken for granted.

I sell my time and expertise - I try not to give it away. I would never be short of work if I did.

would the first consultation be free anyway and then 125 + vat - i presume it would vary - depending on area etc

It would make absolutely no sense for a solicitor to offer a provide a first consultation free to someone who is a client of another practice and who is looking for a second opinion! It would be the same as Tesco or Dunnes giving away free groceries to tourists.