Solicitor never lodged money from my house sale


Registered User
I bought a new home recently and 2 weeks later I completed the sale of my old house. I dropped the keys into the solicitor with a note asking him to lodge the money from the sale to my mortgage account as discussed. I have now found out nearly 2 weeks later that this has not been done. Excuse is that he was on holidays and the people in the offfice did not know what to to do. I have calculated that this has cost me about €500 in interest on my mortgage that I need not have paid. I am really cross over this as that money would have bought some furniture/carpet that is badly needed for the new house. Is it unreasonalbe for me to think that the solicitor should compensate me for this?
assuming he was earning interest on it during this time, it should be a reasonable request to make
Assuming the funds went through as you described and that the delay was not caused by factors outside of your solicitors control, then the money would have been sitting in his clients account earning interest. Note however that if the buyers solicitor made the payment to him via cheque, he may have had to wait for that to clear before being able to make the payment.

You should ask him for the timeline for from when the payment was made by the buyer to when he moved the money on, then tell him you expect any lost interest due to the fact that he was on holidays to be deducted from your bill. If he doesn't do that, report him to the Law Society
I think the money from the sale was transferred electronically so there should have been no delay. I asked him to take this ommission into account when preparing the bill but he said that our bill had already been agreed. We had discussed it but I have seen nothing in writing yet.